Synchronized shedding


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I have read many posts that have mentioned that someone may be going thru a synchronized shed. I keep reading that the shedded hairs that fall out could be synchronized and these hairs were going to fall out anyway but how early did they fall out. Does that mean that instead of shedding your average hairs of 50, you will shed 100 to 150 hairs in one day instead of over a longer period of time. So you shed 3 times as many hairs in one day as you would normally without using hair loss treatments. Also I notice the synchronized shedding seems to be isolated to specific areas of the scalp like the hairline and down the middle of my scalp. If I lost 20 to 25 percent of my hair in those areas due to shedding, how long will it take to fully recover the 20 to 25 percent of loss. How can my hairs ever catch up to replenish the shedded hairs so my hair no longer looks as thin if I still shed normally too in those areas. This is what confuses me of the treatments. I understand that you have to lose hair to gain hair but so far after 2 years I still have not reached the point I have recovered all the shedded hairs to a point I am a head of the the game. I would say I shed no more than maybe 75 hairs a day. In a week that would be about 525 hairs per week lost. In one month that would be almost 1100 hairs. If you have a synchronized shed would that mean you might lose 1100 hairs in one or two weeks instead of a month and then lose say maybe 1000 more 2 weeks later. My point is how long will it take to replace those 1100 hairs you lost that will be about the same length lets say on the average 2 to 3 inches per strand. And then the following month you will lose the same amount again so when do you ever catch up. My theory is you never catch up and that is why so many people claim hair loss treatments make things worse. I know this may sound like a CCS post but I really just don't understand why shedding from hair loss products is a good thing. CCS if you read this and want to post your thoughts let me know.


shedding is a good thing
says the Pharma Industrie Studies :firing:

i think shedding is not good

i had No shedding from finasteride and works very good

i had big shedding from minoxidil and works very bad for me
i had big shedding from dutasteride and works very bad for me

shedding is "for Me" a sign there works a Drug wrong

other sheds and the Hair come back this is a lucky Men (short shedding)
mutsch Men lost many Ground and never come back

short shedding is OK
but a never ending shedding Month for Month is sign to stop this Drug



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Timi what country are you from? I do not think your explanation makes any sense.


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S.A.F. , Jayman, Demon, Cassin, or Bryan can you SHED some light on this?


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honestly i think 99% of the people posting here dont know anything(including me) just go to a Doctor...what everyone post is with there own experience's..some say they shed..others say they dont..some say it works..some say it you know everyones body is different..just go to the Doctor instead of listening to people here