Systemic absorption on FLUTAMIDE


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Someone had this problem? I Tried Flut. 2% for 2 months but had low libido


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Yes it is absorbed and its effect is rather systemic than local, that's what a mice study has suggested.

The question is: whether these effects FADE and disappear after you quit. did they ?

I think people are scared from Fina (including me) because many people (albeit a small percentage) continue to experience side effects even after quitting. I am wondering whether this is the case for ALL anti-androgen or just Fina (they don't work exactly in the same way). So finding a anti-androgen with a short half-life (effective half life not only reported) would be very good. we can quit when sides outweigh benefits.


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After I started using Flutamide Topic, I can not get an erection :thumbdown2:


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I have been on topical flut for well over 1 year, no problems with libido or erections


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the sides depend on the the % that the skin can absorbe
so person nr 1 could have more sides then person nr 2

fluta gave me lower libido , less energy , less concentration

when i did my bloodwork the doctor says there was something not ok in my blood, the value of the musscle was to high , meaning i would have muscledamage , fluta would be a possible cause sinds it blocks alle your androgen receptors in your body when it goes systematic...

so fluta i dont use anymore ,i have something better now :punk:
i would recommend you ru or topical spironolactone... something that doesnt go 2 much systematic...

fluta would be great if they made it into a gel/cream that does not go systematic....
but genhairs is only alcohol and ppg i think , and with a lot of skintypes it goes 2 well systematic... transportsystem need to be better , a non systematic gel is needed