T-Cat's Story


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I'm a young guy only 22. Starting to thin all over, moreso on crown. Family is all bald. Dad is smooth on top, and my brother is 30 and is just about gone. He still has some hair's on top and all on side and back. I'm not bad yet, but since last year starting to become more noticable. I want to stop it if possible soon. I don't know much so I'm looking for some advice on what to do. Also I have looked over some of the posts on the forums here. Looks like propecia is the top dog. I have been told by another guy who is 25 that I should use some new product called ThymuSkin. Said he used it and it worked somewhat. Anybody know anything about it. Appreciate any help.


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get on the big 3 ASAP... Propecia, Rogaine 5% and Nizoral shampoo....This is supposed to be the best way to combat hair loss. I'm just entering the 3rd month on this regimen and my hair loss has slowed down dramatically. Yuu need to stay on this stuff for a year before making any assumptions if it's working or not.



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Thanks for the advice. Do you know about how much these products cost? Also I heard propecia can give you mojo problems when you start using it. Does this always happen, and if so how long does it last? Again I don't know too much, so bear with me if I'm a little ignorant.


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I buy my stuff from drugstore.com. The rogaine 5% is around $46 for a three month supply and the propecia is $135 for a three months supply (pro-pack). so you're looking at about $60 a month if you go that route. I think the Nizoral can be had cheaper at local drug stores. Somewhere around $10. You only use the shampoo 2-3 times a week so a little goes a long way.
There are cheaper ways to get Propecia. You can buy it as Proscar. It's the same thing just a higher dosage. It's a 5mg pill and you'd quater it to get the correct dosage for male pattern baldness. I've heard it's much cheaper this way. You need to go to a dermatologist that has experience with male pattern baldness sufferers to get a prescription for your propecia or Proscar. If you go to http://www.thebaldtruth.com I beleive you can find a listing of dermatologist that specialize in hair loss. Also once you get on this stuff....STICK WITH IT. Chances are you won't see results for AT LEAST 3-6 months. By results I mean noticing that the hair loss has slowed or stopped.

Side effects:
only a small percentage of people experience side effects. It seems like it's a lot higher because when they do experience them they feel they have to warn everyone and post all over the forums.
Personally I've experienced the opposite of the most complained about problem (lowered sex dirve). Mine went through the roof. If you do experience side effects they should go away after about 3 months or so. Think about it....Your throwing your hormones off balance when you start the meds and your body just needs time to even itself out. That's why it's important not to quit 3 or 4 months in. Since it takes 3 or 4 months for your body to get used to the drug, it'll take probably about as long for it to go back to normal. So those side effects may continue til your body balances itself out.
This is all info I've gotten from reading some of the posts here and some of my personal experience. Take a couple hours and read some posts to inform yourself a bit. Do a couple of searches on stuff that interests you. Read the FAQ and sticky's they're very informative. If your interested read my post about "2 months on the big three"
http://www.hairlosstalk.com/discussions ... php?t=7427

Anyway hope this helps,
