t gel


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what is t gel shampoo? are we suppose to use it with nizoral? just curious i hear about it once in a while.


two kinds

one is an anti-fungal (Coal Tar dark/brown) helps clear up itchy scalps.

one is a mild fruit acid (Salicylic Acid/Clear) and clears dead skin and other debris from your scalp.

now for the quotes: (note Ketoconazole=Nizoral)

Quote from Dr Lee website: Ketoconazole has been proven to decrease the quantities of DHT in the scalp by helping to inhibit its synthesis from sterols.  Salicylic acid has a keratolytic and a slight antiseptic action when applied topically to the skin.  By removing some of the dead epidermal layers of the stratum corneum, there is an enhanced action by the ketoconazole in suppressing the production of DHT in the scalp.

and aslo.....

quote from Nutrogenas own website: Ketoconazole has rapidly become the treatment of choice for scalp conditions such as Dandruff and Seborrheic Dermatitis , among many Dermatologists and other medical professionals. However, while patients with Hyperkeratotic scalp conditions are often encouraged to wash their hair daily, Ketaconzole is indicated for use only twice a week.

T/Sal Maximum Strength Shampoo contains 3% Salicylic Acid, primes the scalp for effective keratolitic therapy. As a first line treatment it reduces crusty scalp build – up with maximum Keratolitic Activity. So it is an ideal pretreatment for Ketoconazole and Co - therapy (Alternative days) with Tar Shampoos. Because it is fragrance free, colorant free and preservatives –free Shampoo, patients with sensitive scalps can drive the therapeutic benefits of Salicylic Acid without risk of irritation due to undesirable additives.


Established Member
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thanks for the info ok so if i am reading the quotes correct t gel (with the fruit acid in it) is suppose to be used in conjunction with nizoral for maximum benefits since nizoral is only good twice a week right


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Should we buy T/Sal and use it with T/Gel and Nizoral 2%?

Let's say:

Mon: T/Sal
Tue: Nizoral
Wed: Other Shampoo
Thu: T/Gel
Fri: Nizoral
Sat: T/Sal
Sun: T/Gel

Good idea? Please comments!


everyone has a different scalp and different needs.

what works for you, might not be so good for me.

some here might need to use industrial strength floor cleaner on their scalps three times a day to keep it in some kind of shape, while other peoples scalps will start to dry up and flake at the very sight of a baby shampoo.

My new shampoo regime

Mon - T/Sal - Ketopine (2% Ketoconazole) - Conditioner

Tue - no shampoo or just a very mild one

Wed - T/Sal - Ketopine (2% Ketoconazole) - Conditioner

Thur - no shampoo or just a very mild one

Fri - Nutrogena 'residue build up remover' shampoo - conditoner

Sat - T/Sal - Ketopine (2% Ketoconazole) - Conditioner

Sun - no shampoo or just a very mild one

Used to get all the usual scalp problems, itchiness, redness, flakes, more itchiness, irritation, little red pimple etc....

Now my scalp has been 100% fine for a few months, no itch, no flakes, nothing, Zero.




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Oh, you are mixing (T/Sal - 2% Ketoconazole) to use, right?
