Take a look at my pics and give me your opinion


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Hi All,

Please take a look at my pics and give me your honest opinion. So far i have had some correspondence with the bhrclinic in Belgium. They have recommended that i go for an FUT which would generate around 4000 grafts. After this it would be possible to have future FUE surgeries. I am 35 years old and have had no previous surgeries. I am not taking any medication.

In the past i took Propecia for a period of about 5 years but i gained weight and and moobs also I lost my motivation to do much with myself.



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Senior Member
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You still need to take meds it seems you could be bald by now without the meds, you could easily lose all the rest in the next few years.


New Member
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Hi saf,
Sorry i just checked what i wrote and its not correct. I took propecia about 5 years ago for a period of 6 months and stopped due to the side effects.

Do you think its worth me getting a hair transplant? Would i get a decent result?

I'm starting to think i'm a lost cause.


Senior Member
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Yeah you could get a decent result with a few FUE sessions. But how long would it last if your hairloss continued?


Senior Member
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His hair loss is advanced even for age 35. It will probably continue. There are experimental topicals that might slow it down. But I think he should use dermmatch and toppik for a while so people don't notice him transition to a hair piece after that. Black, straight hair is very easy to match with a hair piece, and should last long.


Established Member
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you would still have to take propecia if you got a transplant.


Established Member
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I disagree here.

His hair that remains is quite thick, and doesn't look minaturized to me at all.

He can't take propecia.. question is how much he's lost in the past few years. SAF - if you remember, you told me I should go get my situation sorted with H&W.. but i am on propecia and have been LOSING hair steadily even with it.

Question here is how much has the poster been losing lately. Perhaps add minoxidil, tricomin, nizoral to help stabilize the loss... and go for the 4.5K FUT.


Established Member
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If you can't take Propecia, then my advice would be to just let go. There's no point in getting a transplant if you can't even slow down your hairloss. But one thing is for sure, you need to cut/shave your head.


Established Member
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Maybe trying a lower dose?

Your hairline is still relatively good. You could get decent coverage from an hair transplant in the front IMO. That, with Toppik in your crown could do the trick for a few more years. But the finasteride would be a must.


Experienced Member
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go an do that hair transplant...all the people say that you have to wait...wait for what?to be completely bald? try to lower the medication at least...and I think you will have a good result! i was wondering if at 35 is still to early to have an hair transplant? in your opinion could i have one at 55? or is too early also?I don't think there should be an age that bothers hair transplant...it depends on every person...