take my advice - buy online - Androcur - stops hair loss


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Hair Loss Treatment: Androcur / Cyproterone Acetate (CPA)

Drug Type Antiandrogen / Contraceptive
Availability Prescription
Notes One of the first antiandrogens used for hair loss treatment. Unfortunately, it has several side effects, especially in men, but it is still used in women, especially in the UK.
Claimed Results Minimal to moderate hair growth.
Observed Results Minimal to moderate hair growth.
Clinical Results Minimal to moderate hair growth.
Testing Widely tested.
Safety/Side Effects Safe, but with many antiandrogenic side effects.

THIS drug is the chemical castration drug , but its safe to use and it will still give u ability to have sex but it will stop hair loss,

this is 50 times more powerful than propecia

but keep it as last option, after propecia and avodart.


USER - Paulo

FORUM - http://www.eunuch.org/


"""Personally, when my own T. levels crashed some years ago, my hair stopped thinning. But by then, it was pretty much too late!

Others have reported a slowdown in balding after chemical or physical castration here as well, I just don't recall WHO they are/were.

However, I don't think castration of pre-balding boys/men is ever going to catch on as a baldness cure."""

USER - tom

FORUM - http://www.eunuch.org/


"""Oh! I do take hormones now - primarily to reduce the chances of osteoporosis - but only enough to keep the hormone levels at the very bottom of the 'normal' range. I also noticed that male pattern baldness stopped in its tracks (no re-growth, though) and that body hair is a bit finer. (NOTE: I do not react well to taking testosterone, so the hormone I am on is actually estrogen. This keeps osteoporosis at bay without inducing a libido that demands physical release. The feminizing effects, if any, are quite minimal.)."""


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no its actually safe at low to medium doses, the high doses are only necessary for those people that want to achieve complete castration.

having said that it is very effective against hair loss, although not very good for hair growth. but if u havnt lost most of your hair and propecia is not workign for you then dont worry, world is not coming to an end, there is always Androcur.

It is a common medicine that u can buy online, and a lot of people have taken it without any severe side effects.

Best wishes.



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USER - Sac_mec

FORUM - http://www.eunuch.org/


"""I'm not sure exactly if my full growth of head hair is related to being a Chemical Eunuch, or not. I sometimes laugh with my hairdresser who I've used since 1977.
Over time he has lost almost all his hair whilst my hair (although now greyer)
is still as thick and luxuriant as then; infact my head hair grows too quickly.
I shaved most of my body hair off a long time ago and it hasn't regrown though like Fixet I do have a slight amount of thin, fair leg hair which I would shave off by choice but it is so insignificant that it doesn't bother me. Armpit hair re-grows extremely slowly and even then it is very thin.
My hairline has receded just a tiny amount in 30 odd years, sufficient to show off a nice crease free brow. Does it sound like I'm quite happy about this?
{I am}"""


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:13 pm Post subject:
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USER - Fixet

FORUM - http://www.eunuch.org/


So that is great, and it happened in 3-4 months now i have to wait if my hair gets thicker again, and stops losing so many hairs every day!
I have used finasteride and dutasteride before chemical castration, and it didn't do much to me. Chemical seems to do much better its work, last time i cut my hair the hairdresser saw some improvement. I hope im the lucky one who can get his hair restored, as I'm still young and my hair doesn't look like i'm going bald.

Wash n' Gone

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[edit] Side effects
The most serious potential side effect is liver toxicity, and patients should be monitored for changes in liver enzymes, especially if taking a high dose (200-300 mg/day).[2] Toxicity is dose-dependent and the low doses used in birth control pills (2 mg) do not appear to represent a significant risk.[15]

Suppression of adrenal function and reduced response to ACTH have been reported. Low cortisol levels may impair carbohydrate metabolism, and patients with diabetes mellitus may require adjustments in insulin dosage. Low aldosterone levels may lead to salt loss and hyperkalemia (excess potassium). Patients taking cyproterone should have their cortisol levels and electrolytes monitored, and if hyperkalemia develops, reduce the consumption of food having a high potassium content.

Used alone, cyproterone acetate does not appear to have a significant effect on blood clotting factors, however in combination with ethinylestradiol (as in oral contraceptives) presents an increased risk of deep vein thrombosis.[16] There are conflicting reports as to whether there is a significant difference in the risk of thrombosis between oral contraceptives containing cyproterone acetate versus other types of combined oral contraceptives.[17]

Cyproterone has been associated with depressive mood changes in some patients, presumably due to androgen deprivation. However, others have reported significant antidepressant effects. This may be due to its effect on adrenal hormones, as similar antidepressant effects have been observed with other adrenal suppressants, such as metyrapone.

Cyproterone acetate suppresses production of estrogen due to its antigonadotrophic effect, and long-term use without estrogen replacement may result in osteoporosis.

Side-effects in men which directly result from its antiandrogenic action include gynecomastia (breast growth), galactorrhea (milk outflow), and erectile dysfunction.

[edit] Withdrawal effects
Abrupt withdrawal of cyproterone acetate can be harmful, and the package insert from Schering AG recommends that the daily dose be reduced by no more than 50 mg, at intervals of several weeks. The primary concern is the manner in which cyproterone acetate affects the adrenal gland. Due to its glucocorticoid activity, high levels of cyproterone acetate may reduce ACTH, resulting in adrenal insufficiency if discontinued suddenly. In addition, although cyproterone acetate reduces androgen production in the gonads, it can increase adrenal androgen production, in some cases resulting in an overall rise in testosterone levels.[18] Thus the sudden withdrawal of cyproterone acetate may result in undesirable androgenic effects. This is a particular concern because androgens, especially DHT, suppress adrenal function, further reducing cortisol production.[19] In theory, 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors such as finasteride and dutasteride may be able to mitigate this effect somewhat by preventing the conversion of testosterone to the more potent DHT.

A paradoxical effect occurs with certain prostate cancer cells which have genetic mutations in their androgen receptors. These altered androgen receptors can be stimulated, rather than inhibited, by cyproterone. In such cases, withdrawal of cyproterone results in a reduction in cancer growth, rather than the opposite.[20]
Taken from the wiki linked earlier. Yeah, sounds very safe. You are a dangerous person to listen to.


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i repeat it is safe at low to medium doses. many users have used it successfully without any severe side effects.


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bubka said:
stnl, we know you already have breast and no balls, so it does not matter for you, congrats

no just to clear it for everyone, i dont have breasts and i have balls and a penis. im perfectly normal straight person.

Wash n' Gone

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stnl said:
bubka said:
stnl, we know you already have breast and no balls, so it does not matter for you, congrats

no just to clear it for everyone, i dont have breasts and i have balls and a penis. im perfectly normal straight person.
Sorry, but perfectly normal people don't suggest ceasing sexual activity and later chemical castration as a hairloss cure. You have serious issues. I think you are attempting to spread dangerous ideas as a result.


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exactly, normal people don't believe in the masturbation fiary either

thankfully there is nobody here that retarded to take your "advice" anyways

The Gardener

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I don't believe this to be very good advice at all, and frankly cut and pastes of "user comments" is not exactly all that reliable nor something I would EVER accept at face value.

Have their been any clinical studies that back this claim? If not, then this recommendation should be assumed to be suspect.


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Man, stop being a troll, every one of you..

he's really stuck in the middle as most of us are and thinking about the most extreme options that will save his hair, for whatever reason to be..

I would and will never get castrated at any point in my life, but I wouldn't mind to hear more about this chemical castration stuff..

whether I will or not..


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Giving advice such as this is how people get sued. If a doctor recommended this option to a patient for hair loss, he or she would probably lose their license.


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i started losing my hair 3 years before I started masterbating.


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chemical castration will definately stop hair loss for "most" men, but there is permanent infertility risk along with other rare but dangerous side effects,

the side effects are rare and i think i might risk it , if all else fails.


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It sounds like you have a chemical castration fetish.

When I had to have surgery for testicular cancer (removal of the cancerous nut), the testicular cancer message forum used to get frequented by people who were voluntarily going in for bilateral orchiectomies even though they didn't have cancer. Then they went on and posted to tell everybody how happy they were to have no nuts. They posted pictures and all kinds of stuff that really had no place on a forum where people were trying to battle cancer.

They sounded a lot like the kinds of posts I'm reading here. I have no problems with "live and let live," but let's call this what it is. There is no medically sound reason why anybody should ever get castrated physically or chemicaly to prevent hairloss.

If you want to castrate yourself, be my guest. It might prevent hairloss in the same way that people with leg amputation fetishes don't get ingrown toenails.