Takin Propecia & Rogaine, can I stop rogaine once I get


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Hey guys, I have been taking rogaine 5% 2x a day and taking 1mg of propecia a day for a while now. I have gotten good results and regrowth on the spots I apply the rogaine.

My question is this...once I get the regrowth that I want from the rogaine in the areas which I apply it, can I stop taking the rogaine but continue to take the propecia and keep the new hair? I ask this because my understanding is that propecia maintains the hair that I currently have. Does this include the "new" hair that the rogaine grew?

Thanks for everyones help! If I need to explain the situation better please let me know! I dont mind taking propecia the rest of my life, but I dont think I want to take rogaine forever.


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No you can not I do not really think it is known as to why, but they work in completely different ways to get your hair. After about 2 years or so many people taper off their usage to once a day.


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You cannot do this. Your hair becomes dependent on Minoxidil and once you take away minoxidil your hair will starve. That's the reason and they DO know why this is happening....


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While yes it is true it has become dependant they do not know why propecia will not be able to hold on so to speak of the minoxidil regrowth. They know it will starve but not why propecia will not stop this starving.