Taking 2.5 mg of finasteride on Mon-Wed-Fri ?


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Does anyone have an opinion on doing this? Instead of quartering, or going with 1mg, etc.

I use generic CIPLA and was thinking of just popping half a pill (2.5mg) on Monday, Wednesday and Friday nites. Seems like that would cover me as far as DHT reduction, the whole week.

Socks, did you do this at one point?


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What benefit will this routine provide opposed to 1.25 daily?

Are you bored of swallowing?


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No, I think I would just rather swallow MORE at a 'sitting'


Naw, really, just looking at these pills, after taking 1.25 for a while, thinking I could just cut the damn things in half and go M-W-F. Figure DHT levels couldn't rise THAT much in 48 hours after a dose of 2.5

Thank you for your response. Do you have any tips on how to manage twice the amount in your mouth at once?

Or would you rather IM me with the details privately?



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for me, anything other than 1mg daily resulted in violent migraines. my hormone levels changed that much if I went off of it for 2 days and then took 1mg again. i would rather slam my head against a wall than do that to myself. but for other guys maybe this wont be a problem. I just feel like I was a human hormone monitor and i can tell you exactly how your body responds if you dont stick to a consistent dosing schedule. but like i said ... maybe thats just my body.



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Whydja post this in the general forum instead of the Propecia finasteride forum?



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sorry, about that...used to the general discussion area being ok..as you can see, in two years, I post very little...(been on though, since late 2000 with another handle)..

Mine have been a bit out of whack lately. My drive has been up and down. But I am 35 now, so that could be it. My g/f knows I am on finasteride and have no problems with it, except when all the sudden I am not in the mood. It comes and goes, so I think it's probably natural, although I was a 2-4 times a day type guy before.

Had some acne spring up lately too. Thanks for the input.

I will be in San Diego, btw, in two weeks, for work. Never been there, looking forward to it.