Taking finasteride (Propecia) twice per day


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I have been taking 1/8th a pill of 5mg finasteride twice a day, once in morning and once at night. So this is roughley .625mg per dose or 1.25 per day. I started doing this because i read that finasteride has a relatively short half life, 6 hours i think. Has anyone else tried this, if so, with what success. I just hit the 4 month mark now so i can't really telll either way. Thanks guys. :lol:


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I've heard this is a good way to do things. Can't say from experience, though.


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Axon, what the hell is your avatar? That might be one of the funniest things I've ever seen. Can you explain it for me?


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Sure. A fat woman fell down the staircase to the basement at a convienence store.


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That avatar is a bit of film from "You've been framed" on ITV.

It is behind the bar in a Public house and the cellar door is open. She has just taken some money for a drink and is turning round to use the till, ouch!


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bluenun said:
That avatar is a bit of film from "You've been framed" on ITV.

It is behind the bar in a Public house and the cellar door is open. She has just taken some money for a drink and is turning round to use the till, ouch!

That clarifies that. :)

What's a till?


Senior Member
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That avatar never fails to make me laugh out loud every time I see it. Better than Prozac.

I wonder if that lady broke anything.

Kevin fretwell

Established Member
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That would make a good anti-alcohol campaign commercial . Don't participate in the destruction of furniture . As far as taking finasteride that idea of taking it twice a day is very good and by golly I'll do that . I've been doing dutasteride topical and finasteride oral and with only a few hot flashes the first day but subsided and now I know my hair is protected from dht . I did have a little bit of itching of the eyes that had me concerned for half a day but that subsided also .


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Thanks for the reply kev...you're on topical dutasteride?? Where do u get this or did u just make ur own concoction? Have u tried minoxidil?