Taking my chances in Austin vs Moving back to Houston


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Well since I graduated from college in early August in Austin. Trying to find a job whether it be menial (I have no pride issues, money is money) or an entry level position has been 'hard' as far as an understatement goes. My parents, while kind of supportive, have told me you can try but you will have much better luck in Dallas or Houston.

Sadly they're right as the Oil and Gas company where I have interned the past two years have offered me a full time position if I came back to Houston. The thing is, I am not a big fan of Houston and more so the fact I would probably living with my parents for a couple of months in till I get really on my feet.

I prefer Austin but obviously jobs there are limited and the pay is not all that great.

Decisions, decisions... :thumbdown2:


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Oil and Gas company where I have interned the past two years have offered me a full time position if I came back to Houston.

I think this is your best bet, you can always do this till things get better..................... :whistle:


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Live by the dice!


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I used to live in Austin and it was one of the best places I lived but Houston and Dallas are not bad either. Dallas is nicer than Houston. However, if you have the opportunity now to make some good money In Houston and live with your parents, I would go for it. You can always still visit Austin when you have vacation time. If something later eventually opens up in Austin that pays alot better and seems to be a company that won't go bankrupt, then you can always go back. I am not crazy about the town I work in but I think if I left now, it would be very hard to make the money I am making now somewhere else. I don't want to take that chance but I know in my free time I can go to places I enjoy so its not too bad. In this economy you have to go where you can make some good money in a job that has financial security. I am glad that I picked a profession that will never go out of business and I will always make good money. Houston is a college town so that to me is an advantage at your age. Living with your parents at your age is more common now a days with the poor economy. Many people your age have to rely on their parents for financial support. When you finally become financially stable you will be able to have more independence and finally be able to afford Proxiphen. :)


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You can't go wrong job-wise in either Houston or Dallas.

Houston weather in the summer is pretty bad as you know.

Austin is a dead end long term but most young people in Texas has lived there at some point and we always move back.

Honestly I would chose Dallas. There is a lot of safe cheap places you can move to in the area while you figure things out.


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Honestly I would chose Dallas. There is a lot of safe cheap places you can move to in the area while you figure things out.

What in your basement..................................... :whistle:


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lol what's wrong with Texas that you have to live in a basement? :dunno: Unless all those movies like chainsaw massacre (that was in Texas right?) and others live on today.. :whistle:


Established Member
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^^I thought you guys were implying that Texas was an unsafe place and i was trying to make a joke, which seems kind lame reading back now..