Taking Proscar no side effects - is it working?

do it

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Hi all

I've very fine thin staright hair - prbably a NW2 to NW3.Aged 30.
Been taking 1.25mg of Proscar daily for around 3 weeks now. They were bought online from inhouse pharmacy UK. I've not experienced any side effects(libido etc all still excellent :eek:) other than a very slight headache feeling for the first 3 days but that was so mild it didn't even require pain killers.
Is this normal? Could this be a sign that the drug won't work for me?
I am noticing a silimar amount of hairloss still- around 10 - 15 hairs while showering.Been slowly losing hair from around aged 20 but it's been very gradual.

I'd be interested to hear from poeple who have not experienced any sides and for whom the drug is working.

Many thanks


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I have the same issue is you. I shed the same amount of hair as you do when I shower, and also fear that no sides means that my chances of my regimen working are less...I hope thats not the case. I jumped right on the Big 3 because I think i waited too long.


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One is not guaranteed negative side effects when beginning finasteride. It may not sound like it while perusing the forums - but negative sides is the exeption and not the rule.

Not experiencing negative sides should not mean that the drug won't help you. But as with all people undertaking hair loss treatments - everyone seems to react differently. You're just going to have to stick it out for the duration and re-evaluate as time goes by.

Shedding 20 hairs per day, especially in the shower, IS almost a guarantee though. That happens to everyone and should not be your hair loss barometer. People always shed hairs in the shower, while they sleep, when they comb their hair, and as they just walk around taking care of everyday's life's activities.

I think the normal amt of shed hairs per day per individual is in the 50 - 100 hairs per day range.


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[hair_tomorrow]Not experiencing negative sides should not mean that the drug won't help you[/quote]

WOW !! A quadruple negative ! :)

Side effects run at a very low rate, the sexual side effects you specifically mention (reduction in libido) run somewhere around 2%, the fact that you have do not have these symptoms should lead you to no conclusions.


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Radio said:
[hair_tomorrow]Not experiencing negative sides should not mean that the drug won't help you

WOW !! A quadruple negative ! :)


Don't 2 double-negatives not cancel each other out? :wink:


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hair_tomorrow said:
Don't 2 double-negatives not cancel each other out? :wink:

Not using two double negatives twice, although not self cancelling, would be prefrable to using them.


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do it said:
Anyone have any comments?

Sure. My experience from inuousepharmacy : I bought Cipla brandgeneric proscar from them, the pills exploded rather than split like regluar US proscar did which I thought was strange(actually also unlike how previous orders of cipla brand proscar i got from genericsonlinepharmacy.com split as well)

I never had the sexual side effects early on that I got with the real US proscar or the other generic I'd used, and after 3 or 4 months with no results I stopped taking it , thinking it was a fake or something was wrong. inhousepharmacy cust. service swore up and down it was real.

now a couple years later i'm taking dr. reddy brand generic proscar I got from pharmacygeoff.com (do a search for pharmacy geoff and youll find my post along iwth scans of the packaging and pills) that I believe to be legitimate stuff, splits normally, and most importanly my hair isn't falling out!

My shedding has b een drastically reduced/eliminated by taking it, and sex drive is shot(like it was when I first got on proscar for a month or two)

Conclude what you will about inhousrpharmacy Cipla brand proscar, my suggestion is try again from another place and see how that works for you. good luck