I've been consuming about 10 drops of the 5% topical per day. At first, i got pretty substantial headaches and facial bloating (eye bags). In the past week or so, I noticed my legs felt tight. I've been doing a ton of vigorous mountain biking, so I assumed my muscles were just sore. I've now determined that I have noticeable edema (water retention) in my legs, ankles and feet. I have laid off the Minoxidil for a couple of days to let the edema resolve and then I will resume consumption at a much lower rate. I think I was pushing way too much. I was really motivated by some photos of a guy on 20 mg oral daily that went from hairless twink to absolute hairy beast. Legs and arms covered in fur.
I am consuming Minoxidil for the sole purpose of increasing body hair - specifically the forearm, hand and leg hair that many guys report getting as an unwanted side effect. I want the virile look of having really hairy extremities. My head hair is full and I already have a nice beard.
About four weeks in, I am seeing increased thickness of hair on the backs of my hands and on my knuckles. Also seeing some more density in my beard cheek line and new hairs coming in above the cheek line towards my eye, giving me the wolverine look (totally wanted, the more the better). These appear to be vellus hairs that have turned terminal. I am seeing new hair on my shoulders and stomach. Increased hair density on my quads, knees and calves. I am hoping for very thick hair on my legs in crazy amounts if I get nothing else out of this exercise.