Talking about hairloss


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Just wondering if anyone here has talked to their girlfriend about their hairloss. If so, how did you approach it? And what was the result?

I'm 27 years old and my hair is diffusely thinning. My temples have receded significantly, leaving me with a sharp V on my forehead. My g/f is 20 years old. I already felt old because of the age difference, but my hairloss is just making it so much worse.

The past week I've reached a new low. I'm generally an optimistic and confident person and I keep telling myself not to worry about it, but it's really starting to take a toll on me. I just don't feel like myself anymore. I know girls like confidence and all that, but it's so hard to feel good with my hair looking the way it does.

My hairloss isn't even that bad yet, but it's getting there. I can't imagine how I will feel when it gets worse. Sometimes I think I should tell my g/f, because I feel like I'm hiding something from her.

I keep my hair buzzed very short, and she asked me before why I keep it so short. I just say, that's how I like it. She doesn't seem to suspect that I'm balding.

Sorry for the long post, and I don't mean to be complaining. I know everyone here is in the same boat with hairloss. I'm just having a tough time dealing with it right now.

Any guys here in a similar situation with your g/f? What are you doing about it? Thanks in advance.


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Well, I'm 18 years old and my gf is 19. She knows I'm on finasteride and min, I'm pretty open with her about it. She's pretty cool and supporting about it. Keeps telling me it'll grow back if I'm a little down on a shed day. I guess it's your call.


No problem with my girlfriend, she doesn't give a hoot about the whole hair loss thing. :)


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Same here - hell, my gf seriously claims that she cannot see what I'm talking about - but i know she wouldn't care less if I was slick bald anyway...

Even though I do not follow my own advice I think the key is just to be open about it. Sneaking around just makes it seems rediculous (even though I'm doing the same when it comes to my mates and stuff).....


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she knows wuts goin on....she assures me everything is fine....i think one day i got so depressed about it i just had to tell someone and wasnt bad at also older than her... 4 years....and that is worrying me some what but i think its easier now that ive told her


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Thanks for the replies guys. My gf is not superficial at all, and she's very supportive about everything so I'm sure she would be about this too. But I just feel like I'd be disappointing her somehow. She's young and very attractive, so she could easily get a younger and better looking guy than me. But I know that's not the right way to think about it.

Anyway, I'll probably talk to her about it eventually. I think I'll feel much better after I do.


tynanW said:
No problem with my girlfriend, she doesn't give a hoot about the whole hair loss thing. :)

same here, my girl would rather me stop finasteride and shave the f****r....


tynanW said:
No problem with my girlfriend, she doesn't give a hoot about the whole hair loss thing. :)

same here, my girl would rather me stop finasteride and shave the f****r....


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Hopefully the girlfriends out there are all supportive... I've talked to mine and she helps me get back to reality when the depths of my thoughts and self-doubt become too much.

If you are wondering how to bring it up, maybe try doing it casually at first.