Taoist soap experiment


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Hi all,

I have used the same routine for 2 years now and have decided to add something new for a boost. I have selected taoist soap as the claims regarding hairloss are staggering (and therefore probably fake) but I have set myself a challenge to trial and review this treatment over a 6 months period and feedback to the community to report on my experience.

I bought the soap (£30 for a bar!!) from handmadesoap uk (also available at taoistsoap dot com) and have used it for one week. My first gripe is with the postage fee (I was charged £10 although actual postage was less than £4 -- I have asked for the difference to be refunded but haven't heard anything--- watch this space). Of course I am not recommending anyone should buy this soap until I have tested it (and can pass judgement on it based on results or lack thereof).

My first impression is that it is very drying to the skin and hair. Smells nice though but £30 for just a nice smell would be a poor purchase).

Feed back with pics soon.

Belfast Billy

This message is also posted on hair loss help


Senior Member
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Hmmm..,Taoist soap, well who am I to judge?

I hope you're using at least one of the three standards in the meantime.

Pics are always fun. :)


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Sounds like you aren't even open to it, and already creating a bias view on it.

I am actually a regular use of this, and can say it has definitely helped me at least stop my hair loss. They do actually say that the soap works best with a regime (just like most people on this forum do, with minoxidil and other drugs) and that a product on its own won't have as powerful an effect as it would with the whole regime helping.

It is the same concept that if someone is hungry, and is looking for the one piece of bread or food that will satisfy their hunger, and suddenly comes across a food that fills him up - but the truth is, all the other food he ate, also contributed to it (To explain my concept of what a regime is).

If you are finding it drying, you already are not using it properly, and in the right quantity.

Also, not sure how you managed to get charged 10 pounds. Because the Uk handmadesoap website actually charges 5, and have always done (i have been buying from them for some time now). That said, I am suspicious on your intentions of this, because you already started it off in a way that you are going to put it down without even trying to learn to use it properly, let alone anything else.


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Well yes I am unapologetically bias, yet I am also open to the notion of alternative treatment(s) that have a bit more than "anecdotal buzz" behind them. :)

Healthy skepticism is imperative if you wish to safely and expeditiously navigate through a realm overrun with superstitious, life/hope sucking charlatan's (aka. snake oil salesmen).

No offense met and to be clear I am not lumping OP or James into this box.

If your customized regimen is effective for you, that is all that counts. All my best.


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That's a copy of the soap, not the original Taoist soap. The writing on the soap is Chinese. At least get your facts right before publishing ignorance online.

Norwood One

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As long as you're on the big 3, adding this couldn't hurt you.

Looking forward to the pics and progress.


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My Regimen
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3 months in to my taoist soap experiment and no progress to report, in fact I have lost some hair in the crown area but some say shedding hair shows the treatment is working (or alternatively making no difference to the continuation of the balding process :( ).

For clarity I am on the big 2, minoxidil and nizoral. finasteride gave me real bad side -effects I just couldn't live with. I am hopeful to see results and am giving the soap a fair trial, but I am not pinning all my hopes on it and don't feel I am doing anything wrong for exercising a healthy level of reservation.

Further updates to follow in the coming months.
