Taugenichts: I am in the same boat as you


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Want to know my life story? Simply cut-and-paste all of Taugs posts with my name on them. I am in his exact same boat.

Let me guess Taug, have you experienced the following?

A panic like dispair and feeling of hopelessness.

Worthlessness. Inferior to others.

Finally accepting your looks, only a few months later to be utterly destroyed by hairloss soon after.

Not wanting to put effort into anything. If your life is ruined, why try?

Feeling your mind "crack." Feeling yourself slip into insanity.

Help me Taug, get me the f*** out of this nightmere!


Established Member
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How can Taug help you?

The only thing we can do is help ourselves. Hope for a cure, and if one doesn't come, somehow scrape together the remains and form somewhat of a life.

Or not let male pattern baldness get to you.

The second option is very hard to do, as male pattern baldness is a very drastic thing to have happen to you.


Hey mate, thx for your comment. I am sorry to hear about your problems, but I am also somehow glad to hear that I am not the only person with such problems.
WorldofWarcraft said:
Want to know my life story? Simply cut-and-paste all of Taugs posts with my name on them. I am in his exact same boat.

Let me guess Taug, have you experienced the following?

A panic like dispair and feeling of hopelessness.

Yes, I often feel hopeless. Not only because of my hair loss, but much more because of the circumstances in my loser life.

WorldofWarcraft said:
Worthlessness. Inferior to others.

Yes, I feel inferior to most other people.
WorldofWarcraft said:
Finally accepting your looks, only a few months later to be utterly destroyed by hairloss soon after.

No, I still haven´t accepted my looks. I think I never will until I have a better body and an above average face. But for me hair loss set in just when I had accepted that I am suffering from depressions. I wanted to seek professional help and then BOOOOOM, hair loss hit me like a bomb.
WorldofWarcraft said:
Not wanting to put effort into anything. If your life is ruined, why try?

Lol yes, working out and the struggle against hairloss often doesn´t make sense to me. I am thinking like this: Damn, I have dozens of problems without solutions, so what´s the point of solving one if the other ones are still around?

WorldofWarcraft said:
Feeling your mind "crack." Feeling yourself slip into insanity.

Hmm, no not anymore. I think I was like that the first weeks after I realized that I was actually losing hair, but I think ADs have helped me with this.

WorldofWarcraft said:
Help me Taug, get me the f*** out of this nightmere!

I wish I could, but I think you, like me, need professional help. Go and find a Therapist. That is the only advice I can give you at this point. At the moment I am too busy with my own problems, I have no power to help out other people. Sry.....

Good Luck, mate!


Established Member
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Ok Taug, been hearing your woeful tale for a while. just answer one question

What do you want to do? seriously, put some thought into it


I want to stop my hair loss and live my life with a good head of hair. I have accepted that it probably will never again be as perfect as it was two years ago, but at least I want decent coverage. Apart from that I want to have a nice girlfriend who really loves me and find a job I really like (maybe a hair transplant doctor or something other related to hair....).


Established Member
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Taug, you are doing all you can for your hair, maybe add minoxidil... and be done with it. The rest in an inside job. Feed your mind with only inspireing things and thoughts, books... and get some therepy to help get your act together. it will do a world of good.. You must recognise that it is your thoughts that become things. Its what you do between your ears that is killing you. for fock sake, stop it already; or become willing to learn how to.