Tea Tree Oil

the Last Fight

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Has anyone researched this or have used it for there hair? Im just curious because ive heard about it in passing and just wondering if its something worth obtaining.


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a few years back, TTO was a major thread and topic of conversation over at the regrowth forum. 1 guy there was fanatical about it - and the product gained some support from others there "in the know". Not much about it recently though.

It's mostly responsible for getting rid of the little mites that live in the hair follicle - and good for scalp, hair & skin health in general.

I've added a teaspoon to my Biotin shampoo. I also use it straight (5 - 6) drops 1 - 3 x weekly and massage into my scalp when I get home from work (fairly inexpensive).

It's got a fairly strong smell which subsides after awhile.

TTO is kinda like olive oil in that it's been in practical use since biblical times for varied applications. I remember coming across a web site once that went on for pages about it's uses (bug bites, rashes, warts, - don't quote me though because it's been awhile. :)

I went out to work in the yard one evening and was getting attacked by gnats - went inside - rubbed on some TTO - went back out and they left me alone.

Sea Buckthorn Oil accomplishes the same as TTO - without the smell. I think that Sea Buckthorn Oil has some other benefits that TTO desn't. Many opt for SBT over TTO for that reason.


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I use conditioner with thsi stuff in it. It totally stops scalp itch.