Telling friend about treatments


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My mate got called out on his hairloss today, some friends told him that he was thinning on top and had a receeded hairline. At first he was in denial about it, and tbh his recession is not that bad, NW1, or 2 max on one side. He has no clue that I am trying to treat my own hairloss, and by the looks of is clueless about my hairloss - hair is medium length atm, pretty thick - so its easy to cover recession that and my recession itself is just a NW1. People in general comment on my gray hair, and thats it, due to the rest of my hair being thick.

Anyway I wanted to tell him about treatments should I in case he ever needs to go down that route? Only reason why I don't is because I don't want him to get paranoid about losing his hair. Which can really mess up ones self esteem.

For now I have tried to reassure him that it is a mature hairline.

What do you think - should I let him find out by himself?


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Oknow said:
Only reason why I don't is because I don't want him to get paranoid about losing his hair.

Or is it because you don't want anyone to know you are using treatments? :whistle:

There must be ways to point out treatments without 'revealing' yourself, he's a friend after all..

somone uk

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just say something open ended like "hairloss is treatable", doesn't imply anything
or just say you saw some advert for minoxidil 3 am on some channel no one watches or summat


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I always wonder why many people are so ill informed with regards to hair loss treatments. I have several friends that have expressed their worries about receding hairlines to me over the last couple of years, but none of them seem aware that there are treatments. It seems as though in order to combat the issue, you have to actively seek out these treatments. Both propecia and minoxidil have now been used to treat hair loss for years and yet so many people are oblivious to their existence, and those that have heard of them usually assume that these treatments won't help. A friend of mine actually indirectly tried to ask me about treatments because I think he suspected I was treating my hair loss. I didn't mention my regimen because at the time I wasn't sure my hair was responding to medication. I will talk with him about treatments next time, though it is a slightly uncomfortable subject for discussion.


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Why do you think he's not already aware of treatments?

If he's thinning enough for other people to notice, he's probably already noticed it himself and has or is doing research on the subject.

Even non-balding people are quite aware of Rogaine and Propecia based on my experience.


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MrCurly said:
Oknow said:
Only reason why I don't is because I don't want him to get paranoid about losing his hair.

Or is it because you don't want anyone to know you are using treatments? :whistle:

Yep, I like the fact that no one suspects anything right now - unless of course I get it cut super short. If I make an issue out of it, more then likely it will bring attention to it, something I dont want.


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beaner said:
Why do you think he's not already aware of treatments?

If he's thinning enough for other people to notice, he's probably already noticed it himself and has or is doing research on the subject.

In the past he has asked me if he was going thin, but tbh - I don't think he has anything to worry about.


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its a tricky one.

All of my close friends are going or are bald. im the only one with hair. they are old school and more than likely think u cant treat it.

I certainly didnt think you could do anything about it.

the only person that knows i do anything is my mother.

My hair has recovered and its been 6 months since some1 said anything about my hair, in my eyes thats a little victory:).