Telogen Effluvium After Constant And Consistent Stress?


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I have a large amount of hair loss on my right front temple in a very short time. I don't really have any good pictures from 2 months ago but i can assure you that I didn't have any noticeable loss whatsoever and my hair was also much shorter. I am hoping for Telogen Effluvium for obvious reasons but also this type of loss seems very sudden and extreme for such a short time. Its becoming noticeable. I have seen and read a lot of stories but I just cant seem to find any like mine.

First off I am 26 years old. My grandfather died last year. He was diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer on New Years Eve and died January 24th. The cancer took him very quickly. Because of how close I was to him and I suppose how hands on I was with him at the end combined with the speed the cancer killed him I have developed extreme health anxiety and just general anxiety all around. Health anxiety however has been very crippling. It shocked me just how quickly the cancer killed him with minimal symptoms leading up to his death. I have battled with a bunch benign and trivial ailments thinking they were something deadly. For example I had a rash or something on my leg my first thought was skin cancer. I had little lines under my finger nails I thought it was bacterial endocarditis, breast cancer, colon cancer, leukemia you name it I have convinced myself I have had it over the last year and a half. I have never in my life been like this. Not even remotely neurotic about anything. This too is a point of stress and anxiety for me. I have had all of these things checked out FYI. I am apparently crazy not stupid. I have none of those things. It seems once I am cleared of one thing mentally I must move on to another. My cousins wedding was on April 2nd I flew down to florida. I convinced myself that the plane was going to crash. Not MIGHT crash that it was GOING to crash. Obviously the plane didn't crash but I can't explain or illustrate how terrified I was to get on that plane. I then came home and the next day I had an ache in my left testicle. Upon feeling my testicle I felt a lump. I now convinced myself I had testicular cancer. It was about a week or two into stressing about the testicular cancer I started noticing thinning on my right temple. So now I have testicular cancer and I am going bald. A wonderful combination of anxiety. I got my testicle checked and my doctor told me I needed an ultra sound ASAP. So I stressed and thought about nothing else for another week before an ultrasound. Thankfully everything is clear with my testicle. So that leaves this diffusion, or male pattern baldness, or bald patch. I don't know. That all included I lost my job last year and health insurance, I have health insurance now but that was a fun time not having health insurance. I still live at home at 26, I am paying back student loans with a crappy job that only pays for student loans, and now that my grandmother lives with us I am watching her slowly kill my mother from stress. My hope is that I have Telogen Effluvium from stress. I don't notice any shedding at all. The occasional hair here and there but not SHEDDING. When I wake up if there are 2 or 3 hairs on my pillow its a lot. I don't see hair in the shower or on my hand at all. No hair on the towel when I dry my hair. Very little to no hair on my comb when i comb my hair. I have been wearing dark shirts to see if i can see any shedding on my collar or shoulders and nothing. So I don't have noticeable shedding except for the fact that there is a distinct thinness or open spot in my hair line. Also this spot has developed I would say from early to mid April to now. I KNOW it wasn't there before that. I don't have thinning in the back or on the other temple or anywhere else on my head. My hair is growing fast and I need a haircut. Which is stressing me out because now I can cover it up. But if i cut it I can't cover it up anymore and there will be this embarrassing space. I honestly understand most men go bald but this just doesn't seem like male pattern baldness to me. It seems too fast. My father started losing his hair when he was 18 and was completely bald when he was 25. Same with all the other bald men in my family. They all lost their hair very young. I know genetics is genetics but I figured I was in the clear. My hair is really thick and soft all around. My father said even before he lost his hair it was never thick and soft. It also grows unbelievably fast. At least if I started going bald I would have a few years. This pace seems fast and i will have no temples by next year. Any way I am just looking for some advice. I am getting a dermatologist appointment ASAP. Sorry for the length of this and the somewhat personal details. I am obviously hoping for Telogen Effluvium because its the most advantageous in the sense that the hair will grow back and if thats true then my anxiety over all of this will most likely slip away allowing it to grow again. However I am also painfully aware when men see bald spots everyone wishes for Telogen Effluvium. Anyway thank you all in advanced and pictures are below.

These pictures are over the course of a week and they seem to get worse everyday and I style may hair the same way everyday.

Before pictures from April 2016 and September of 2015

Now Pictures


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I am sorry you have been in such a bad way for so long. The hurt of losing a loved one can often be nullified by the passing of time and for person's
under duress, time will crawl.

"When I wake up if there are 2 or 3 hairs on my pillow its a lot".
SP1989 unless this is a typo, shedding 2 or 3 hairs is nothing.
If you meant 2-3 hundred, then your concern(s)are reasonable.
Telogen Effluvium or male pattern baldness? It's hard to say. My educated guess is that you are probably experiencing initial stage male pattern baldness.

I am a dropout from the school of hypotheticals, who still believes, sustained periods of stress can create the perfect storm scenario for early/premature and/or(more) aggressive male pattern baldness prone individuals and your unfortunate and prolonged anxious state did not cause you male pattern baldness/Androgenetic Alopecia, but arguably your mismanaged stress + tenuous coping style just might be helping your male pattern baldness arrive on your genetic calendar a little bit earlier than scheduled.

Although your hair appears "solid overall" most here would agree that it's time for extra pro-action on your part = *Another office visit (confirmation) and possible medical intervention deliberation.

Need you be reminded that male pattern baldness treatment generally works better sooner than later.
All my best.

* Not necessarily in this order.



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2 week Update.

I have been using Nizoral for two weeks now. I noticed my hair is a little dry but that was to be expected. However I just don't get it. I am gonna go back to my docotor and get the referral to my derm. He told me to finish the bottle of nizoral first and then come back with the results. If nothing has changed or it has gotten worse then he would send me to a derm. Honestly I don't know, like I have been saying is that it seems to be getting worse every day. If it was male pattern baldness could it really be moving this fast and uneven. I have no relief at all from stress. I focus on work, family and fun but whenever I am not doing that I am completely consumed by this. I can't imagine it not being stress related, yet I am also fearful I am making it worse. I could be with my friends and completely fine and not thinking about my hair and I will catch my reflection. Then I will start thinking about my hair. It being summer sweating makes me fearful that it will be even more noticeable. I don't want to go swimming because I am afraid of it becoming more noticeable. I guess what I am asking is can male pattern baldness be this sudden more than that will it be this uneven? I swear this in the last two months. I know my hair wasn't like this two months ago. These are the best pictures I can find of me from my cousins wedding that show my hairs. Like I said this is my touchstone day because its April 2nd and I don't see any signs of hairloss or thinning This is picture of my hair in September of 2015 . Its not a good picture but its in the sun and I think its obvious there are no signs of loss or thinning. Its a localized spot but Im not experiencing thiness or loss anywhere else. Anyway here are some pictures after two weeks using nizoral.

When I mean speed these pictures were from two weeks ago