Telogen Effluvium or normal male pattern baldness shedding


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My shedding starting happening after I came down with mono about 6-8 months ago. The virus put me out of commission for a good month and a half, also during this time I went through a bad breakup. The shedding is not diffuse and seems to be mainly from the temples/front, and I have noticed a receding hairline. There seemed to be around 300 hairs falling out a day. There is no real loss of hair from anywhere else. Was my shed due to the sickness and stress/trauma from the breakup or is this the start of male pattern baldness. I have bought the big 3 just in case. I don't plan on taking the finasteride unless it gets real bad, but should I start on the minoxidil and nizoral regimine, and will this make me shed again?