Telogen effluvium or traction alopecia


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Hi have been suffering from hair loss for the past one and a half months. Have lost up to 300 per days. i have scalp pain as well and where there is intense scalp pain more hair falls out from there...i also use to tie my hair tightly before so it could be traction???... Just wanted to know if the symptoms sound like traction or Telogen Effluvium


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Well the best thing to do would be to visit a doctor, dermatologist or a hairloss specialist; the last one is usually privately funded.

People, especially women, can suffer Telogen Effluvium after a dramatic event or stressor. As long the thing causing it is stopped, the hair should all grow back after 3 months to a year.

With traction alopecia, the only way to stop it would be to basically stop having tight hairstyles.

What's worrying is the intense scalp pain as that could be due to a number of factors.

Where is most of the hair falling out from and what's the quality like?

Also, guessing from your username, you're a woman right? Because women can have a whole host of reasons as to why hairloss may occur due to their biology.


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I must say that I have been stressed out this year. I got married in july and prior to that I was stressed with the preparations, than was really stressed out at work and than stressed about leaving home to join my husband in a different state as I am still living with my parents but it makes me wonder was I stressed so much that it triggered Telogen Effluvium (that's what I think it is) but could also be traction. It has been two months and I am losing up to 300 hair a day. I haven't spoken to my husband about this as I am scared what he will think (I haven't moved in with him yet). Hair loss is only at the rear of my head and around the sides (very minimal at the front). There is a lot of scalp pain and that's where the hair falls out from. Where that has been a lot of hair fall I cant see much regrowth but just thinning. I have been a sufferer of anxiety and that's why I think this is happening to me. It feels like my life has turned up side down. Feel depressed all the time. I have also read Telogen Effluvium leads to Androgenetic Alopecia sometime and that what is scaring me and I cant see any regrowth but just constant thinning. I have got a appointment with the dermatologist at the end of the month and hopefully I will get an answer. But meanwhile has anybody else gone through this?