Telogen Effluvium question, Please


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I am 55 year old woman who noticed eyebrow loss first. There is thinning at temples and forehead but not patches. Does Telogen Effluvium ever involve body hair loss. Cant get in to see the dermatologist for 10 more days . . . Can any of you give me your thoughts?


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Telogen Effluvium can affect eyebrow hair, as I believe this is considered part of "head hair". It tends to grow and respond to androgen (hormone) changes along with the hair on your head, versus the reactions you'd see with typical body hair. They seem to be on two separate planes. So I do believe the eyebrow thinning is tied to the Telogen Effluvium you are seeing on your scalp. Make sure your dermatologist runs at least the basic bloodwork necessary to rule out potential causes of alopecia.