Telogen Effluvium


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Im pretty sure after some research its Telogen Effluvium i have been attacked by not a normal shed as i have had alot of stressn in my lfe recently and the hair i have been losing is alot and fast, my question is will this hair grow back?


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the sudden hairloss i am having is not a normal shed,its alot faster and a few months ago i had alot of stress which suggests it an attack of telogen effluvium, my question is the hairloss im having, will the hairs grow back?


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Hi mate, I have been through this and it really affected me badly. I believe mine was due to the acne treatment accutane. I was on the strongest dose and although it worked wonders for my skin my hair was dried out, straw like, unmanageable from about 3 or 4 months on the drug. i first was prescribed it in 04 when i was 17 and had no problems but i seem to remember this been the lower strength (less side affects) but my skin somehow fought back and in early 08 i was prescribed it again but this time the stronger dose. From starting it i suffered with the dry skin and lips and usual standard side affects but from about the 3 month mark i started loosing a massive amount of hair each time i would brush it the sink was full of it. The shedding continued and was starting to become more noticeable. I did my research after this really started to affect my confidence and pretty much self diagnosed myself with Telogen Effluvium. I am not a doctor but i am 99.9% that this is what my sudden loss was from. Basically a sudden shock to the system can be huge in terms of hair and hair loss and its the huge amount of vitamin A in the drug that can cause the hairs to go into 'sleep mode'. Many people choose to try kickstart hair in Telogen Effluvium with minoxidil but i chose to get myself on proscar in oct 08, started using nizoral shortly after every 3 or 4 days and take biotin and zinc and everyday and am pleased to say that from my hair looking like absolute crap it is about 95% there in terms of getting back to where it was before any problems. Before i started the accutane i had very slight recession but my hair was the thickest you could imagine so i could still manage to 'mask' my loss throughout Telogen Effluvium. I had thinning down the middle mostly and at the front in the forelock area but now the middle is 100% and although the forelock is not back to 100% its so much better than it was. I hope this has been helpful to you and gives you some hope! if you have any questions feel free to ask.


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thanks for your reply, how lon did it take for the regrowth? my hair is getting thinner its a massive shed tbh, hope its nearly done. :(


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Took quite a while mate. I'd say about 4 to 8 months on finasteride and with my regimen were when it started picking up and looking thicker again and then very gradually improving up to now. Id like the middle front to be thicker but to what it got to when it was it its worst im very happy with the improvement!


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20 yrs old - massive shedding - possible Telogen Effluvium?

i'm a 20 year old male and here is my story:

Last October (2015) I noticed that my hair wasn't as dense as before but it didn't really catch my attention. I lost A LOT of density on ONLY the scalp from November/December until now (May 2016). If I was asked to estimate my loss I would say 50-60% ... in 7 months. My situation stands far away from all the "progressive losses" that take place over a couple of years until bald. :( :( :(

Here is how I lose them:

- Diffuse thinning all over the scalp (from hairline to vertex) I've lost roughly 50-60% of density (under some light skin is visible all over the scalp)

- the sides (back and sides of my head) show no sign of thinning, density loss, or non normal loss

- I lose a lot of hair: when I wash them, dry them, pass my hand through them... when I pull on a couple of them (pull test) there's like 5-6 hairs coming out.

- a majority of hairs that fall off have a white finasteride bulb/ending/spot on the end. They are very thin and appear (not always) to gros thinner towards the white bulb...

- my golf regions are receding and my vertex also shows signs of male pattern baldness. However I think they are just more concerned by this abnormal overall loss.

- lost a bit of eyebrows too (exterior sides). I've read this could show signs of Telogen Effluvium but also male pattern baldness...

What do you guys think?

My hair has gone from "normal looking head of hair" (July-August 2015) to "unquestionable severe hair loss" (May 2016)
This problem really depresses me... I fear that in a couple of weeks I'll be completely bald :( :(

TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM? but I fear that my thinning started more like 1-2years ago without me noticing.... I only noticed end of 2015 but pictures show thinning evolution all over the scalp since 2014...


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i'm a 20 year old male and here is my story:

Last October (2015) I noticed that my hair wasn't as dense as before but it didn't really catch my attention. I lost A LOT of density on ONLY the scalp from November/December until now (May 2016). If I was asked to estimate my loss I would say 50-60% ... in 7 months. My situation stands far away from all the "progressive losses" that take place over a couple of years until bald. :( :( :(

Here is how I lose them:

- Diffuse thinning all over the scalp (from hairline to vertex) I've lost roughly 50-60% of density (under some light skin is visible all over the scalp)

- the sides (back and sides of my head) show no sign of thinning, density loss, or non normal loss

- I lose a lot of hair: when I wash them, dry them, pass my hand through them... when I pull on a couple of them (pull test) there's like 5-6 hairs coming out.

- a majority of hairs that fall off have a white finasteride bulb/ending/spot on the end. They are very thin and appear (not always) to gros thinner towards the white bulb...

- my golf regions are receding and my vertex also shows signs of male pattern baldness. However I think they are just more concerned by this abnormal overall loss.

- lost a bit of eyebrows too (exterior sides). I've read this could show signs of Telogen Effluvium but also male pattern baldness...

What do you guys think?

My hair has gone from "normal looking head of hair" (July-August 2015) to "unquestionable severe hair loss" (May 2016)
This problem really depresses me... I fear that in a couple of weeks I'll be completely bald :( :(

TELOGEN EFFLUVIUM? but I fear that my thinning started more like 1-2years ago without me noticing.... I only noticed end of 2015 but pictures show thinning evolution all over the scalp since 2014...


We sale the same ship I guess!
I too have lost all my density/thickness form my scalp! There's also thinning in the crown but my hairline is just fine.
I lost hair from my sideburns also & near the ears also.
If that was not enough I also lost my hair density form the back of my head(donor area).
I have got no clue what's going on