I know the ideal temperature to keep it in but my question is this> does keeping it in a colder place or colder temp mess up the chemicals in it? say 40 degrees or lower
Keeping it cold is great... atelast seems like it. when its cold it comes out thick and rubs on great! I put it by my window since it is cold in ohio...Fridge might be ok
Nah wish I did no payments, anyway houses do get pretty darn cold well below the ideal temp that's why I ask I've touched it before and its pretty cold. So I should shake it you say
I'm more worried about the container getting to hot. I plan on travelling in some very high temperature countries pretty soon and I hope it holds up ok. Has anyone asked the company whether temperature will nullify the foams effects?
That being said...I have also found the product foams fuller and applies better at a cooler temperature. The foam is designed to liquify and evapoate rapidly at body temperature (~ 98° F). The closer the foam can is to this temperature, the more "liquidy" the product comes out of the can....also the faster it liquifies upon application (i.e. - on your fingers before it makes it on your head).
The refrigerator is too extreme of a storage temp (approx. 38° to 40° F)...you might induce chemical separation (although this is just speculation on my part). It's best to follow the manufacturer's recommendation stated on the packaging and quoted above...but I would recommend toward the low end (i.e. 65° to 68° F). This seems to produce the best product consistancy and application ease.
Thanks for the replies, though my problem is when I have it at room temp and use it, it melts almost completely before I get to apply it on my scalp, kinda like my finger burns right through it. I tried the refrigerator and it came out pretty damn nice I guess we should ask the company about this issue..
I keep it under the bathroom sink.. since it's generally very cool there.. warm air rises anyway so the closer to the ground it is, the better.
If it's melting before it gets to your scalp try running your hands through cold water first. I always use a pair of these reusable latex gloves to apply it anway so I don't have that prob.
i just run it under a cold tap, and my fingeres too coool them so it wont melt.. nad then it alsow comes out thicker and when my fingeres are cooled off it doesnt melt that fast... but i just putt it directly on the hair and then use the fingeres alsow.. dont se any reason to put it on the hands first.