
Temple Recession At 22; How Long Do I Have Left?!


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So this is my hair (I'll be 22 in a few days)

I've always had very thick and curly hair with a high hairline; but recently I've noticed my left temple has started to move back whereas my right has stayed in the same position. I've tried to use caffeine shampoo and coconut oil and biotin (biotin doesn't do much for my hair); but I've noticed it's not really doing much. I think it's because I'm anxious about losing my hair; it's a big part of all our identities!
The only family history of balding is with my dad both my grandparents were not bald; and my dad went bald at around 35-40, so ideally I'd like to follow in his footsteps.
I'm often feeling very emotionally down and depressed when noticing my hairline and comparing it to my friends and celebrities who have very straight hairlines even in their 30's!
I think stress and these emotions may be playing a part in the recession so I'm trying to manage it. Like I said my hairline has always been high even as a teen; but even near my middle of the hairline it is starting to recede as well!
I'm constantly playing and fixing my hair which also can't help I imagine as I'm quite rough with my temples trying to hide them!
Any suggestions; thanks for reading guys

Edit - starting to grow my hair out so maybe it makes the temples look worse?


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Bump; I went to my GP twice and he said it happens to everyone and I'll follow my dad in terms of hair loss and not grandparents

Do NOT accept that message from your GP... If my doctor had told me that, I would have slapped him. Your GP is evidently just trying to get you out of the door so he can get onto his next patient.

You should go back again and demand that you either get prescribed an actual medication for your hair, or referred to a dermatologist. I threatened my doctor that I would castrate myself at home using hydrogen peroxide if he didn't prescribe me spironolactone and the next day I get a letter in the door which referred me to a hair specialist along with an urgent referral for spironolactone to my dermatologist.

You have to pressure your GP sometimes for them to listen.