Ten Years Gone


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Then as it was, then again it will be
Though the course may change sometimes
Rivers always reach the sea

Like stars of fortune
Each has separate rays
On the wings of maybe
Down in birds of prey
Kind of makes me feel sometimes
I didn't have to grow
But as the eagle leaves the nest
He got so far to go

Changes fill my time
Baby, that's all right with me
In the midst I think of you
And how it used to be

Did you ever really need somebody
And really need 'em bad
Did you ever really want somebody
The best love you ever had
Do you ever remember me, baby
Did it feel so good
'Cause it was just the first time
And you knew you would

These Led Zeppelin lyrics have always hit home with me, whether I am thinking of lost love or missed opportunities. Many years have passed since I lost my love, but I still think of her quite often. It's almost insane really, and I've had others in between. But still I gravitate toward her, my first, and I can't pinpoint as to why. I feel as though I will never love like that again, no matter how hard I try. I keep looking for an angel to rescue me from the depths of loneliness, but I already let her fly away.


did she fly away because you lost hair? is that why this is in the impact of hair loss section? just trying to understand



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tbe one who is in love is the more emotional one. the one who does the breaking up usually is more clear headed.


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were you going bald at the time? how were things going between you? Did you break up with her because you were frustrated by the way things were going between you too, which could have been the result of her being less happy with your baldness? I think you may have sped up the inevitable. Don't be so hard on yourself.

If you broke up with her before you started balding, that is another issue. Then you lost the months or years you could have been with someone good before going bald. And there is a small chance she would have stayed with you. It was 10 years ago, so perhaps you were not balding then. Yeah, you could have been married with kids by now. Kids keep people together, but many couples don't have sex and get it by sleeping with other people. You don't even know.

But I don't want to say anything bad about a woman a guy is in love with. I know you will defend her in every way. So I'm just talking about most women, not your angle.