Terribly Strange Shedding After Possible Telogen Effluvium Recovery

Jake Altizer

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(Read the last 2 paragraphs if you don't want the preliminary stuff)

Been a lurker for quite some time. Here's the story of my fight against hair loss. 2nd month of college, hair suddenly starts shedding in bulk. Using product in my hair pulls out 40+ every time. Get slightly worried. Hair shedding more and more each day. Wake up one day and can see through a bit of my hair to my scalp... Uh oh.

Finally (1 year later) I decide I need to see a dermatologist. Hair shedding is diffused throughout the top of my head. No receding hairline. No bald spot in the back. 1st doctor says I have telogen effluvium and I need to ride out the storm. 2nd doctor says it's male pattern baldness and prescribes finasteride. 3rd doctor says it's definitely telogen effluvium but, she's much more assuring than the first.

Gives me some antifungal shampoo and sends me on my way. Time goes by. Hair still shedding like a mug. 6 months later I'm constantly wearing hats and such to cover my hair.

Suddenly, INSTANT JOY! In the course of a week my shedding slows down more and more until it stops! I'm happy but cautious... No more shedding for 2 months! Feels great! Can see hundreds of hairs, all the same length, growing back in together alongside my older and longer hair.

Crap. 2 weeks ago my shower drain is clogged. What the heck is clogging it?? My hair. Hair begins shedding more and more. Almost back up to 150 a day now...

Strange thing is, they're mostly all the same length. Hairs that began growing back 2 months ago. I have no idea what's going on... I feel like I'm the first guy on earth with some undiscovered hair disease... I should add that during the course of this entire thing, I've had quite an oily scalp. Scratching my scalp directly results in a fingernail full of yellowish, oily gunk (gross, I know). Thanks for your insight, everyone! Sink pic- Hair that fell out from rustling my hair for 10 seconds.


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Maybe you have Telogen Effluvium or CTE and you hair is short cycling? Maybe this article will help.

http://ava-alderman-hair-loss-artic...airs-with-telogen-effluvium-Telogen Effluvium

Jake Altizer

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Maybe you have Telogen Effluvium or CTE and you hair is short cycling? Maybe this article will help.

http://ava-alderman-hair-loss-artic...airs-with-telogen-effluvium-Telogen Effluvium

Great article with some interesting new info I haven't seen before. Thanks for sharing. Hair is still shedding, unfortunately. Wondering how long this will last...


My Regimen
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Great article with some interesting new info I haven't seen before. Thanks for sharing. Hair is still shedding, unfortunately. Wondering how long this will last...

Your welcome

did you see a dermatologist?

Jake Altizer

New Member
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Your welcome

did you see a dermatologist?

Haven't seen one and most likely won't be able to for another 4 months. I'm studying abroad and my insurance most likely won't cover it. Also, I can't speak the native language, haha.