Testicular and abdominal pain


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I have now been taking propecia (1mg) for five weeks.

A few days after starting to take it, I suddenly developed some painful acne on my face. Luckily, this cleared up completely in less than a week.

At around the same time, my testicles became very tender, especially my left testicle. This extreme sensitivity subsided and eventually disappeared after around two weeks, and I felt pleased that the side effects seemed to have cleared up.

However, from around four weeks of propecia onwards, the testicular pain has returned, although it is more of a dull pain and less sharp than before. The pain is still in the left testicle, and often extends into the left side of my abdomen. Although I can put up with it, it is quite uncomfortable.

Has anyone else had these side effects? Do they clear up given more time?

I'd really appreciate any advice as I don't know whether to quit propecia or to persevere in the hope that these problems will clear up as they did before.

Thanks for any help on this.


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I am also experiencing a loss of libido and some difficulty maintaining an erection, although I'm not certain whether this is due to the propecia or is a psychological effect of the discomfort I feel in my testes and of the knowledge that propecia can have this effect.


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You talk about "finasteride-induced leydig cell hyperplasia and adenomas" in your post in that thread. Are you sure that these occur at the low doses used in humans? Merck was able to define a no-effect dose in animal studies, and those no-effect doses were all much higher than the human doses. Of course one has to be careful extrapolating from animal studies...



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i get it too i think its your balls having to work harder. more testosterone = more sperm inside there.


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I had testicular pain myself when I started, but it gradually went away.