
Tgel Does It Work? And What Brand Is Best?


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Hi guys,
Looking for a little bit of advice here on tgel, I normally use Nizoral 1% 3 times a week to help with inflammation in the scalp and on alternative days I use tea tree shampoo or coal tar with aloe vera.

But I've been reading that this tgel works really well on inflammation and looking to give it a shot, does anyone use it? If so does it work well on calming the itch / scalp sensations?


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Tgel works for me.. After using minoxidil for around 6 months (not using any shampoos consistently) i developed seb derm. i dropped minoxidil for 2 months and the itch dandruff went away (during this time i used tgel EOD). Now ive been back on minoxidil for close to 3 months and i continued using tgel EOD without any return of itchy scalp or dandruff.