Thanksgiving Horror Stories??


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My thanksgiving dinner went well....My hair looked good(a little too long)...I am have a thin spot on my vertex but cover it real well and I am also on the big 3....Which by the way kicks ***.....I usually wear a hat but when you can have it where you cant see anything but hair you got to show it off.....
I am curious about anybody who had a good or bad experience during the holiday...I would rather here good stories than bad but we are all in this together and some of us this is our therapy....feeling WE ARE NOT ALONE!!!


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hey, yeah my thanks went okay too. i was a little worried because i didn't have the usual "bed head" look that i used to pull off last year (and consequently only four months ago (somehow my hairloss got terrible in a matter of a few weeks) so i had it down and just like a little messed up but without gel or anything. i was worried someone would make a comment like, what happened to your messy hair look, or something like that cause everyone always used to comment on it. but, no one did. the holidays are always fun as i get to see all of my older relatives who still have full heads of hair, and there's me worrying about people noticing at 24. anyway, i guess it went all right, we have a pool table and i put in a few games though i was worried about the super bright lights that tower over the table showing everyone a case of diffuse thinning. but i thought my hair looked alright, i don't really show scalp if i wear it down, so i was able to actually be social. some people probably noticed, like "oh why is he wearing his hair down now, must be going bald" but no one said anything so i guess who cares.


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I live in australia, we don't have thanksgiving where i live.


like Australia we have no thanksgiving in the UK, although on the last Friday in November everyone in England goes out and gets blind drunk and kicks the living sh*t out of each other.

This also happens on the other Fridays.


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Trent8 said:
hey, yeah my thanks went okay too. i was a little worried because i didn't have the usual "bed head" look that i used to pull off last year (and consequently only four months ago (somehow my hairloss got terrible in a matter of a few weeks) so i had it down and just like a little messed up but without gel or anything. i was worried someone would make a comment like, what happened to your messy hair look, or something like that cause everyone always used to comment on it. but, no one did. the holidays are always fun as i get to see all of my older relatives who still have full heads of hair, and there's me worrying about people noticing at 24. anyway, i guess it went all right, we have a pool table and i put in a few games though i was worried about the super bright lights that tower over the table showing everyone a case of diffuse thinning. but i thought my hair looked alright, i don't really show scalp if i wear it down, so i was able to actually be social. some people probably noticed, like "oh why is he wearing his hair down now, must be going bald" but no one said anything so i guess who cares.

Trent is living proof that only those who suffer from hair loss actually care about it. :p


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Trent8 said:
some people probably noticed, like "oh why is he wearing his hair down now, must be going bald"

Yea, that must be what they were thinking. Any guy who wears his hair down must be hiding SOMETHING, otherwise he'd be messing it and gelling it up. Gimme a break! This is some of the saddest male-pattern-baldness mentality I've ever seen. Cmon guys, get a grip, your life will be so much better!


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relax deaner, he was asking us how our thanksgiving went, and i had just been going through a mini shed so i was especially self conscious. If you don't have thoughts like I have about changing your hairstyle to make the thinning look better and wondering if anyone noticed then hats off to you, but let's be honest, none of us would be here posting all the time if we weren't a little obsessed with our hair. if i was just thinking, man i don't care what anyone thinks, or about my hair, then i wouldn't be posting on this forum, and i doubt you would be reading all these posts if you weren't. but nonetheless, i do realize my thought process on the whole thing is a little crazy, but i've just had the SAME spikey hairstyle for like ten years, so i would think people would notice if all of sudden my hair is down.

haven't seen you around much, hows your hair coming along?

Green Soap

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clippers on the low setting are your very, very best friend. You don't even think about it any more.

If it grows back, it grows back. If it doesn't, you are relieved of the agony of watching your nasty, thin, limp hair get worse and worse.


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i have thought about it, i don't think i could pull it off though, plus my friend, who is severely balding, does that and when the sun shines on it man! it looks like he hardly has any hair, i would be scared it would show too much. i feel like now no one knows, but if i buzzed it everyone would be definitely know... but maybe that's a good thing, getting it out in the open


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I feel the same way about buzzing it Trent. I've got super thick hair and its wavy so when it's long, it pretty much masks any hairloss. If I buzzed it, my temples would be pretty obvious. If the Propecia and nizoral can turn around the thin hair there, then no one will probably ever notice it. :)


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A friend of mine came down for the thanksgiving weekend. For the first time in 5 years I had let hair grow on my head. He was shocked when he saw me and commented that he thought I shaved my head because I was going bald, but obviously that was not the case. I can't tell you how satusfying that was. My hair is still thin all around, but the crown area has filled in as have the temples. Now if I could just get general thickness all over, I would be exactly where I'd hoped to be. Honestly, just talking about it with everyone else on this site is quite therapeutic.


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congrats on that man! that must have felt really good.