The Anti-Inflammatory Approach


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I really think this is something it would be great to talk about, as it seems to me people have had a fair bit of success particularly on other forums. It seems that many things contribute to short term or even chronic inflammation usually throughout the body, and this helps DHT (or very high testosterone levels) do its hair-destroying job considerably more efficiently! To the point that in many, bringing inflammation close to nil may even be enough to stop hair loss entirely, according to what I'm learning. My regimen combines this approach with others to try to come at the problem from different but targeted angles.

More in my next post (I'm writing this on my phone and it has a character limit lol)


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So yes, many things seem to cause inflammation in the body, it seems.

Stress causes neurogenic inflammation (as well as hormonal changes that are destructive and possibly other factors)

Bad diet (processed foods, wrong ancestral type, allergies, sensitivities, generally inflammatory foods like many vegetable oils, from what I've heard) causes probably short term inflammation and hormonal shifts.

Thyroid-related problems apparently affect mitochondrial energy levels throughout the body, leading to chronic inflammation.

Erm, those are some of the main factors - oh and chemicals and heavy metals probably cause it too such as SLS, Fluoride, etc, but my knowledge of that is less.

Of course, the TRIGGER for hair loss in our case is androgens, but I am very interested and welcoming of an approach that doesnt involve large changes to my male hormone levels, and benefits my overall health greatly as well!

Anti-inflammatory topicals seem to have effect, so why not also approach that throughout the body?



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Ketoconazole Oral reduced my inflammation, you can try it


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Proteolytic enzymes or systematic enzymes is the best route against inflammation. Trevinol. Neprinol and Wobenzym are the best enzymatic enzymes complex on the market so far.

Expensive but it does work.

Brains Expel Hair

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SLS often times causes inflammation cause it does a great job of increasing skin permeability meaning all those other industrial cleaning chemicals that Dow decided to slip into your "gentle" shampoo now have a better chance at causing a negative reaction.


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Ah thats all really interesting :) coz the thing is like, switching to an anti-inflammatory diet and stuff does feel nice and I enjoy it but then I end up going out for a meal or down the pub or something and ruining the whole thing lol

I think also there is a chance my diet isnt the main culprit, but rather stress and/or a thyroid-related issue that is causing the main bulk of my inflammation. I am very interested in things like that as at least it tries to answer the question of why people with thyroid conditions often lose hair. Mitochondrial energy does make sense as a theory there I think.

I would be fascinated to know of the very best systemic anti-inflammatories though that are safe and wholly good for me, as the better they are, the more I can allow little holes in my diet! lol

Its not the only reason I am trying to improve my diet and stuff, but its one of the main ones :)


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Apart from those already mentioned,Fluoccinolone Acetnonide is a decent anti-inflammatory and so is Aloe Vera Gel.


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squeegee said:
Proteolytic enzymes or systematic enzymes is the best route against inflammation. Trevinol. Neprinol and Wobenzym are the best enzymatic enzymes complex on the market so far.

Expensive but it does work.

I agree with you about oral thrombolytic agents and so did Dr. Hans Nieper, who was way ahead of his time. This nattozime and serrazime powder is pretty inexpensive if you have your own scale. And they are engineered with microbial enzymes, which gives them the ability to pass through the stomach intact without any enteric coating. ... .html#7791

I actually crushed these tablets and made a topical solution for my grandmother's rheumatoid arthritis in her hands.

My grandmother had been on all kinds of anti-inflammatories and nothing was working. One medication in particular, methotrexate, a particularly nasty drug, had almost killed her.

The swelling eventually intensified to almost double in her left hand and the pain had become severe. She had lost 80 percent functionality to the point of requiring a brace.

Yet, In just two short weeks this topical Inflama Rest solution subsided the swelling and she regained almost full function. I also placed her on nattokinase and serrapeptase. If you can stand the smell, someone should be able to crush these and place them in their minoxidil. I already use several of these ingredient topically for hairloss.


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Yeah, there might be something to the anti-inflammatory approach - for me at least. I've been following a cardiologist's diet along with recommended supplements. The basics of his heart healthy regimen call for eating a low carb diet, along with taking fish oil, iodine to keep the thyroid in shape, and vitamin D3, all thought to be anti-inflamatory. My cholesterol numbers are not only better, it seems my hair is slowly growing thicker too.


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Nice work Arrow :) I am very interested in many things people are saying in this thread.

The thing is, it seemed to me simply through casual observation that many things appeared to speed up and slow down hair loss, things that one would not imagine would have huge impacts on DHT levels. I mean you could perhaps explain their changes hormonally, but it does make sense that a bit more is going on here. Things like Nizoral also do a good deal to calm inflammation, and we are already aware that is a relatively potent topical in regards to hair loss.

And then of course I heard of at least one individual who had stopped and reversed their hair loss using a non-inflammatory diet ALONE, and I just started to think "well, it's kinda starting to make sense now, I should continue to pursue this and see where it leads.."

So I have decided to combine it with hormonal tweaking and stuff, and see how possible it is to fix my hair loss from within without drastically cutting any key male hormones :)


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That's cool :)

I mean, you have to understand though I am really trying to lower inflammation throughout the body (not just in the scalp) without a large reduction in DHT or 5ar. This can be done through diet, limiting stress, balancing hormones and glands (particularly the thyroid) and possibly taking anti-inflammatories (preferably natural ones, Omega 3/fish oils count ofc :) ).

Also, I choose finasteride over Dutas as apparently it remains in the system for less time, I heard something from someone very qualified and knowledgeable (I could hunt down the relevant post if you want) about Dutas having quite long term effects on the body's hormonal levels, and I want to tread lightly with regards to lowering my 5ar and DHT if I possibly can! I dropped beta-sitosterol as even though it is safer in regards to hormonal changes I believe, finasteride does seem more effective, and b-S has effects on the circulatory system that are not fully understood as far as I know, particularly in higher doses.


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I do find your supplement lists very interesting Jacob, but personally I think inflammation is best controlled by diet, first and foremost. If you perfect your diet and your hair loss stops or slows dramatically, then maybe it's a good thing to work into your lifestyle / haircare techniques :)


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Hoppi..that's nice..but even you stated "and possibly taking anti-inflammatories (preferably natural ones, Omega 3/fish oils count ofc :) "

If you really think anti-inflam will do the all means just concentrate on doing it via your diet though :whistle: The one link is an actual expert :shock: it is again:

I remembered that one product that is actually for hair has anti-inflam properties:


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Not here to discredit you, but please post pictures up (even if you have maintained that is success), I am currently doing the anti inflammatory approach but by no means will I be so vocal about it - unless of course I had hard evidence to back it up.

That way people won't waste their time trying out things that have a neglible affect on their hair.


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It's too early for me to say what is working and what isn't to be honest, I'm just learning about things that seem to help others, and what has apparently reversed hair loss for others, and then trying to encourage discussion, opinions, etc.

My hair is still pretty wicked atm, it's mostly thick and good, regrowing at the front but diffusely thinning a little across the crown. Like I say though it's early days and I'm still exploring the problem and learning new things all the time :)

IH seems to have some of the best coverage of the anti-inflamm approach - it's them it's working for really, not me (or not yet anyway).


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Well I mean a fair few of them have already solved their hair loss without touching DHT directly or going near finasteride. But the problem is that many people on here either seem to not know, or simply have their eyes closed to other solutions.

Again though I really, really don't mind, because it's down to the individual to make their own decisions. I just think that if someone really cares about their hair, having an open mind and listening to people who have controlled their hair loss in different ways really does seem to pay off.

But I'm not here to fight, if people don't believe it or want to listen then that's their own choice :)