The anti-shed


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I've never shed much. Ever. The most I've seen myself lose in a shower in the past 6 months is 10 hairs, and then in the sink while running hands through wet hair, another 10 or so. But honestly, since starting finasteride I've lost maybe 3 or 4 in the shower, and I lost 1... yes, 1 hair today over the sink. Plus, as an added bonus, I can no longer "pull" 20 hairs out of my crown at a time, maybe 2 or 3 all day. Ontop of all this, I've noticed brand-new, tiny vellus hairs on my hairline that were DEFINITELY not there before, I uesd to check out my hairline daily before finasteride, and they weren't there.

I'm personally quite pumped up. Worth nothing might be that I'm an early diffuse with a Norwood 1.5-2 hairline with VERY gradual loss. Anybody else experience anything similar? What you think was finasteride doing its work fairly early in the regimen? Personally, I'd have to point out Rage as a good responder (although he used minoxidil as well), as after 1 month I noticed his hairline had improved tremendously. Just throwing this out there to spark some conversation, to hear from anybody who was in a similar optimism-inspiring situation :)

P.S. If I'm crazy, tell me! :lol:


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Well Deaner it's good that you have optimism now because it's very likely your about to go through a big shed soon. It'll be awhile before you'll actually start to notice signs of regrowth from a drug. You cannot really see drastic improvements in the first month and if you do it's likely from another source.

Rage had a very mild case of male pattern baldness. When looking at his photos his hairline appeared to improve slightly but that improvement was over the course of a few months, not one.

Anyways, i'm not trying to be discouraging at all. I really believe since you are so young that you have a very good chance of maintaining or improving your situation. Just be ready for a shed soon. Almost everyone sheds month 1-3 at some point.


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Dood didnt you just start ur regeime like 1 week ago?

I dunno your a paranoid lil ________faggot .

"I dont like you" cause u seem like a homo and if thats ur pic in ur avatar ur even more of a homo. Half your posts are >>"yeah, what he said man" the other half are you bitching and crying.

No pce


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lol, I hate you extremekicks :)

Have a good one ya fu*kin' a**h**. :!:

P.S. I never b**ch and complain, it's nothing but optimism. Shove it up your *** ya prick.



I love a good fight, c'mon boys keep it clean and no punching below the hairline

ding ding!

round one. :uglylol:

The shedder

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dude even 10 hairs is nothing to worry about I hope your not developing paranoia.. anyway good luck and be ready for an awe inspiring shed around months 2-5.


Im kinda scared right now cuz ive been on finasteride 2 1/2 months cutting it into 1/4 and i havent experienced a shed yet.The first couple of weeks was normal shedding then after awhile it slowed down to where no hair comes off in my hand when its wet.Im happy about it but i know a major shed is coming and its gonna suck i know that, im just wondering how noticeable it will be?...


Cause4Concern: wrote
Im kinda scared right now cuz ive been on finasteride 2 1/2 months cutting it into 1/4 and i havent experienced a shed yet.The first couple of weeks was normal shedding then after awhile it slowed down to where no hair comes off in my hand when its wet.Im happy about it but i know a major shed is coming and its gonna suck i know that, im just wondering how noticeable it will be?...

It's going to be bad, real bad, probably the worst shed ever, probably worse than anyone here has ever seen or even heard about, I doubt that you will have any hair, anywhere on your body, but It won't stop there, your guaranteed tsunami shed will cause everyone within a hundred miles radius of your home to shed and that includes all cats dogs rodents and birds.

only joking...

You have had a problem with losing hair, you went out and bought medication that deals with this problem, the medication, for you, worked as it was ment to, your response was good so where does this pessimism come from?

I have been on finasteride for 10 months with no shed, I have also been on finasteride previously for 18 months, again with no shed.

calm down


"It's going to be bad, real bad, probably the worst shed ever, probably worse than anyone here has ever seen or even heard about, I doubt that you will have any hair, anywhere on your body, but It won't stop there, your guaranteed tsunami shed will cause everyone within a hundred miles radius of your home to shed and that includes all cats dogs rodents and birds."

can i get Tiny little hair peace for my ferret ? do they make those


You have had a problem with losing hair, you went out and bought medication that deals with this problem, the medication, for you, worked as it was ment to, your response was good so where does this pessimism come from?

I hear you, :) ,but until you schooled me i had people telling me brace yourself for a serious shed :( so i was thinking maybe it was inevitable.But now i am optimistic so thanks a bunch :D


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Just to update, I'm actually not crazy. Those little velus hairs I was talking about are becoming tiny black hairs all along my temples. In the front of my head, The blonde hairs are movnig even further forward, and are more detectable under regular light now (don't need special angle to see them). It seems like over the last few days more and more of them have been cropping up, and more and more tiny black hairs are visible. It's really encouraging, I must say!

Good luck to all, I hope you're all as excited about your treatment as I am :)