For those who say it's all about confidence.. the girls pretty much say "what happened to your hair?" "i'm not so into bald guys"... this video says it all
This doesn't say anything at all, do you use a lot of this crap to beat yourself up or what? I mean you're acting as if this is a blind date experiment, that the first time women see bald men they instantly ask about where his hair is like some curious child. Not even the worst women are that cruel (not at first anyway).
Obviously it's because they saw a deceiving picture, he's years younger, much thinner (and the weight has really gone to his face), and his foreheads pretty big and his hair is short as hell anyway. I think even if he looked like the picture except bald, he'd still have stood a chance.
It's all a lot of balancing in what women and also men think of the opposite sex. Without a doubt the vast majority of women prefer hair but if you want to believe that's the only decisive factor and therefore it's over for bald men, then I think you're just convincing yourself to give up on improving in other ways.
well NONE of the girls would go for the date if he was bald on the photos in the first place, you cn see that from their reaction. this is video where he interviews the girls more if they prefer hair or bald.Guess whar wins. AND you have to count the fact that they were talking one to one,so they tried to be as much polite as they could.If guy with hair asked them the question,it would be much much worse.They rated him mostly 6 to 7 out of 10lol no,they were just polite because he was infront of them.You wont say to anybody you are 1/10. If anybody else would asked them about him,the rat
ing would be at half values at best.Only one black chubby woman say she prefers bald.Now you know what kind of girls to look for to match!
This guys so annoying and deluded, but I guess it's been a while since I've seen a "youtuber" as they're mainly all like this. He seemed to be hoping for what, a 7 or 8? He probably edits his own videos, can he not see that weight gain has ruined his facial structure? Even in that touched up photo he showed them he's a 7 at most, and that's because he's 20 pounds lighter, it's a good angle, and it's airbrushed to hell.
But back to the original topic, yes those women were deceived and right to be pissed off, we base part of our attraction to someone on physical attraction, in the same way
he would if he had a shot at getting with really hot women. That's just reality.
Yes they may not have showed up if they saw he was bald (although mainly it's that weight gain has added years to him) but why should they? They were all probably considerably more attractive than him, so again, it's just reality that he goes for someone in his own league. They probably thought they were going for someone a bit below their league from that photo, but didn't expect to be scraping the barrel.
I'd say realistically on average, on the 1-10 scale, a bald guy will lose 2 or even maybe 3 points. But it depends on head shape, forehead size, facial structure. Some quite ugly guys rely on a big waft of fringe to handsome up their red and bloated face but they get away with it until they lose hair. For this guy, even though his forehead is pretty big, had he not gained weight (particularly on the face and double chin) he probably would have went down only a 1 or 2 points, to a 5ish.