The Battle Of The Bulge (temples Fight)


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Hello everyone. It's as been a thought fight. Since 16 I have been suffering from diffuse thinning in my crown and vertex... cried, contemplated suicide more times than I have fingers and fought agaisnt it well and I think more due to the placebo effect+dermarolling and other treatments, managed to maintain and even have better hair than I had when I was 18. Curiously tho, my hairline was always perfect, well, at least I had that going for me.
Not any more. Now i'm 22..too young for this crap :p
The title of this threat is really fitting. (I like to make fun of my hairloss this way...well, like in any war, even in hairloss, moral is key to stay on the fight and stay focused, so a bit of humour always helps)

Unfortunately, I don't have a photo record of how long this as been going but let's say it developed in 1 year (ever slowly) and just today my mother said she just noticed it receding. Well, here we go I guess, let the war start.

2018-02-08 (my left side)

2018-02-17 (still, my left side, mirrored)

2018-03-06 (left side, sorry low quality)


2018-03-14 (my right side for the sake of it...not a buldge, more like an arrow)
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Started dermarolling in start of FEV this year and applying saw palmetto toppical and starting this month, cetirizine topical too.

Is it true that fighting temple hairloss is harder? I mean, everytime you see a guy with "great gains" or what ever, they are never on the temples. Well, I guess it must be that way? Imagin if hair started to grow on the temples first and staid weak on the crown :S


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You mom norwood spotted this? Holy f***. You're like a NW1.1

I was a NW2.5 and my mom refused to admit there was anything wrong with my hair


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You mom norwood spotted this? Holy f***. You're like a NW1.1

I was a NW2.5 and my mom refused to admit there was anything wrong with my hair
I do admit that I see kids in my university 3 years younger than me and with way worse temples (perfect hair thickness tho) but yet, it's like they were always like that, like if they didnt lose any hair, more like it's their style...may be wrong

Anyway. It's easier (tho not easy) to mantain than to regrow, right?


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7 years of baldness fighting and tho visited countless forums and websites, I had never posted pictures with my problems.
To quote Théoden from LOTR, "How did it come to this..."


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About my treatment; I crushed like 10 cetirizine tablets (10mg each) and just added enough water to make it like a white paste, and then just added 1 drop of an hydratant cream for the skin (I hope it does not interact in any way with the cetirizine). My theory is that a cream is easier to apply to the temples (otherwise water just flows down) and is more concentrated that a cetirizine water solution would be. On the other hand one could argue that the tablets fillers, (nasty white powder), clog the skin pores and therefore do not allow cetirizine dissolved in water to penetrate the skin.

other crimes I may be committing is that i left this "topical cream" open to my rooms air and that air may in some way interact with the cetirizine.


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Maybe look into putting your topical in a vehicle that penetrates the skin... something that's a solvent. Propylene Glycol (PG) and Ethanol (Alcohol) are popular and are the main ingredients in a lot of Minoxidil liquid products. I like K&B solution because it's gentler on the skin.


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Maybe look into putting your topical in a vehicle that penetrates the skin... something that's a solvent. Propylene Glycol (PG) and Ethanol (Alcohol) are popular and are the main ingredients in a lot of Minoxidil liquid products. I like K&B solution because it's gentler on the skin.
Depends on what we want to dissolve right? Alcohol destroys cet.. Maybe PG


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Can someone post here a success story of someone's gains on his temples? (need some moral to fight this)


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Ok, should I dump Saw palmetto?. Can't remember who told me that it didn't work (i was convinced it did) until people ask you the right questions.
What studies support it? Where are the success stories? Well, I based myself on studies like this
But there is no actual hairloss studies with saw palmetto like there is with cetirizine, finasteride, minoxidil, ect.
For practicality sake, I will take the remaining saw palmetto orally instead of topically ...and leave the topical fight for the big boys cetirizine; minoxidil ; Zix
I hope I can be a future beacon of hope for guys in my situation in the future (by winning back the bulge attack...damn those germans and their counter offensives)


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Photo update (taken today, 1st is my right side)
Fight 18-March2018.jpg
left side 18 March.jpg
<--- (my left side)

Right side isn't like an arrow anymore... it's like a new bulge too. I'm fkd...