The best places to order stock and cutom pieces


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Would like to hear from those with some experience in wearing- what the best places to order stock and custom hairpieces from and why.

Right now I like coolpiece the best because of the quality, price and service.


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take a look here

and there are on other forums bad reviews about him...a few time ago i was thinking that are his competitors that ere writting that...but after I talked with some guys that are wearing and showed my what they've got from this guy...I said no way BA! beware that forum is just a way to promote his business ...he ha lot of fan boys and maybe his employers that will bite your a$$ if you are writing something negative there like your bad experience with his bad hair piece! maybe his chinese pieces are good but the korean are scam!


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Have to agree about BA. I paypal'd $195 for a stock over a month ago. Never received it. I emailed and he replied that there was a mistake and he would express mail one right out. Two weeks later I emailed if the order went out yet and I understand he is busy.. His reply was one word, "Confirmed."

I emailed again today and no answer. So I'm out $195 still no piece and I have to somehow find a way to get something new fast. But finding Swiss Lace stock is almost impossible and BA carries it.

I ordered a stock a few months ago from him which he sent after two weeks and in the wrong color but I managed. Won't order again and I plan to request a PayPal refund if no response. This is completely unprofessional.


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I was emailed today that it was delayed and will be shipped right out. He also offered a $50.00 discount for my next order. Hopefully it gets here soon.

He was genuine and apologized also.


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he only said sorry because he reads these forums and does not want bad is a douchbag and thinks it is acceptable to send rubbish out because he is a 1 man sounds to me that he is too tight to employ people to help him and this is why he sends sh*t out.
i will be avoiding this guy like the plague when i order a hairpiece


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I used to respect BA but recently I have heard terrible reviews from the Korean units and the way he has handled botched jobs. He deletes all the complaints he gets on his board too.
He really hyped up those Korean units too. I expect a lot of his posters to start jumping ship before long...


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Now basically I'm screwed. I received my order. I ordered a Chinese all Swiss lace stock unit. I received the stiff very light density Korean unit with all knots unbleached so it looks like a dolls head. So I'm out $195.00 after over a month of waiting.

The lace on this system is sharp and stiff, the hair is so straight, pin straight. If I wet it I will look like I'm going bald because the density is extremely light and the lace has a brownish tint. I specified soft Chinese Swiss lace like I ordered before. I have a girlfriend that likes to touch my head all the time. I don't need her feeling razor sharp edges like this Korean mono screen garbage. How can that be misjudged? I specified it by email, in my PayPal message and numerous messages while waiting weeks for this thing I've been sent.

I've been wearing hair over 20 years and this is a horrible way to treat people who don't have the time or the money to deal with this type of business practice. Enjoy my $195.00 buddy. You won't see me again.


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I listed it on eBay. Maybe someone else can use a lighter system with straight hair. Hope I'll at least get $50 for it.

How can I specify numerous times Chinese Swiss lace stock wavy freestyle. I get sent Korean French lace flatback light density straight hair.

But I will read on his board recently he says that majority of hairwearers are drama queens.


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A bit bemused by some of the posts regarding BA! :dunno:
I recently recieved a korean piece and i have to say that it ticks all the boxes :) The lace was SFS,very fine and blended easily,the hair quality was top drawer and color match spot on and finally the ventilation was unbelievable! :bravo:
So to say i am confused by some of the negative comments is a bit of an understatment :dunno: I have also found the guy easy to deal with and as i say i haven't had any problems so far dealing with him,touch wood!!
I am currently awaiting my new piece from Easypiece,which is late by a few weeks but once i get it i will be able to give an honest opinion on it.


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andrei_eremenko said:
he is a prick ...that's all...avoid to buy from him!
That is a bit harsh :thumbdown2:
Can i ask how you can advice people not to order from him if you haven't yourself? :whistle:
You will find once you start to order pieces from various vendors that they all come short at times regarding getting it wrong,well the factories getting it wrong!!,as long as the customer service is there and it is rectified as quickly as possable then that is all any of us can ask for at the end of the day.
So sorry,as a hair wearer, i would recommend BA as i would Toplace or HD.


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no...but I am glad I didn't ordered...I have talked with some guys privately some older customers of him...and some other who has just tried it be honest all of them have received thinning a paradox...they got a balding wig with a thick lace...some of them have received pieces with strong hairline and and thinning crown...maybe you were lucky with yours...but look at this thread...this guy wasnt' so lucky as you!

anyway...I am glad for you...also have you tried coolpiece? because I am going to give them a chance ...


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I can sort of understand what you are saying but by the same token you could go to any hair replacement forum at any of the companies and you will hear the self same horror stories.Any of the hair wearers here will back me up on that one.
Not that they have no validation but every company has problems at some time or another.It is how they deal with them that is the key issue.
In BAs case i believe that he had some very serious family tragedies going on and on top of that a completely new supplier so something was bound to go wrong at some point on the supplier front. You see it is not a case of simply the companies sending their order to a factory,but rather the companies and the factories getting to know what they each have to offer us the hair wearers and with so many variables to contend with maybe BA should have held off for a bit to get everything spot on with the factory beforehand.
Maybe i am lucky with the Korean?,but then again i know quite a few guys personally who have recieved a Korean with no problems to speak of and all of them seem very happy with the piece and the customer support they get.
Regarding Coolpiece i am not so sure,well not 100%,as they too have mixed reports.
The only way to see through all the bull is by actaully buying from all of these companies and making your own mind up.
Personally i would recommend BA( i know that you won't), HD or Toplace for quality pieces.


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maybe one day I will try ba too...and toplace...right now I have chosen coolpiece ...then I will choose a direct factory...and then toplace and maybe ba...and I will see what is best for me...
maybe the best deal would be to order directly from a factory...and eliminating the middle man...I am going to try one in the next months and I will let you know...also I will let you know about coolpiece too!


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To be honest try and get one from a company first before you try the direct route.Could make things easier for you regarding specs etc...
Just a thought.


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thanks for the tip...monday I will send a template...still don't know what supplier to chose...I took a look at ba forum...and he put some good pictures there...maybe he has solved some of his issues! or at least I hope would be so great if all the pieces that he will send from no on to look like this! ... s+-+Photos

this is a great hairline!