The best styling wax/gum?


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What is the best styling gum/wax available for people with thin hair? I want to have my hair look dry and thick..


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Loads of different stuff out there, and everyone seems to have their own favourite.

My personal favourite is KMS california hair play Clay creme (Green version). It gives a matte and dry look. Not greasy. Maximum hold, but you can manage it after application (without getting the greasy feeling in your hands). It coats the hair, and the more you use the more it builds body to your hair. Making each hair appear as thick as the amount you apply. It does not clump the hairs together like many products do. Smells fruit and peppermint. Comes out easy when you shampoo.

My personal advice when it comes to style thinning hair is to avoid products that makes the hair stick together with eachother. Avoid heavy products that makes the hair looks flat without movement and life.
