The best theory I have ever heard


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This is copied from another forum, but I won't say where as I know the owners of this forum don't like that. I've included my signature which summarizes it, although I'll change my sig/regimen here too I think.

Basically for an additional summary, the theory (or rather, my model of it) goes like this:

Your body becomes more toxic. This is IMO usually due to something like Candida in your gut. Your liver reaches full capacity for removing these toxins from your system, and as it is your body's main hormone remover as well, hormones start to get out of balance, resulting in an androgenic imbalance. This causes an increase in sebum in your scalp. The sebum provides food for the spreading Candida (or possibly other microorganisms too) and this is why dandruff is very common with male pattern baldness. Your body tries to kill the Candida/micro-organisms, and so attacks the scalp (I believe studies back all of this up), and the follicles are the casualties.

Ideally, read everything below. If not, you are welcome to just respond to the summary above but do remember you will learn more and get more studies by continuing to read:

Re: Auto-immune diseases
Hoppipolla Yesterday at 11:41 pm

imprisoned-radical wrote:
Espio wrote:
Has anyone noticed a connection between auto-immune disease and hair loss? It is obviously on the rise, I've heard some people say that auto-immune diseases are caused by vaccines, others say it is caused by eating genetically modified foods. Has anyone done any research on it? The theory goes that by putting a substance like a vaccine or GMO food into your body, your body attacks it like an enemy. And if you continually eat GMO foods or a food you are allergic to, your immune system becomes so overworked that it starts attacking organs in your own body.

I have a guy who works at the lumber mill with me, it is shocking how many similarities we have. We are about the same age (mid 20's), prematurely balding, very skinny and can't gain weight even though we eat a lot, we NEVER get sick, we both go to the bathroom multiple times a night even though we don't have diabetes. Both of our blood tests come out fine when we take them, doctors can't figure out what's wrong with us. Coincidently, both of our names are "Matt".

Well, he just figured out what was wrong with him, an auto-immune condition of the colon and intestinal tract. His doctor says he has to be on some medication for the rest of his life. Anyone have any knowledge of what causes these autoimmune conditions? I know they are a new issue, so it must be something that humans have been doing recently (vaccines, GMO foods, or maybe pollutants in environment?)

All inflammatory diseases involve altered immune function. Actually, the word 'inflammation' refers to the immune system's response to anything that it perceives could be harmful.

There's an inflammatory component in male pattern baldness. Several studies have shown that there is an inflammatory infiltrate of activated white blood cells around the upper third of hair follicles. See thread: ... c-alopecia

It's not certain what causes the chronic inflammation, but the likely offenders are bacterial organisms in the scalp microflora. Excessive androgenic activity in the skin stimulates the production of sebum, which is a food source for the bacteria. Counteracting the immune component of Androgenetic Alopecia will probably require both an internal regimen which will fix the intestinal lining and a topical anti-microbial like onion/garlic. GSE has been claimed to have potent anti-microbial activity, but I haven't seen any studies showing this.

Well, he just figured out what was wrong with him, an auto-immune condition of the colon and intestinal tract.

Inflammation of the digestive tract is pretty much the root of all modern disease. This seems more plausible when you consider the fact that your digestive tract is a continuous tube starting at your mouth and ending at your anus. Whereas your skin is only permeable to the most fat-soluble substances, your intestinal lining must have a much higher degree of permeability in order to facilitate the absorption of nutrients. The intestinal mucosum is a layer of white blood cells which is supposed to destroy harmful substances and prevent their absorption. The latest research is drawing many links between the pathology of modern diseases and impaired immune function of the intestines. Poor intestinal microflora, damage to the intestinal epithelial cells, constant activation of the white blood cells are all contributing factors.

Jesus mate post of the forum! I absolutely love it I think you're spot on!

That explains the greasy scalp and dandruff and effectiveness of topical antifungals and antimicrobials and sebum reducers! Frickin' epic, well done man :)

_________________ (my sig below)
I'm trying to tackle digestive issues (probably Candida leading to a toxic liver causing androgenic imbalance and consequential over-production of sebum in my scalp leading to Candida infecting there triggering white blood cells attacking my hair follicles) which I believe is the underlying cause of my male pattern baldness (and possibly most people's).

At the moment I'm focusing on colloidal silver and a much improved diet, but am also looking at reducing mercury, fat and sebum, and getting more probiotics into my system.

Let me know what you think.

Peace dudes.

Hoppi ^_^

EDIT -- Of course, this also explains why things that are antifungal stop male pattern baldness, and I have heard that things that reduce sebum often stop male pattern baldness. It explains why colloidal silver has been known to stop male pattern baldness, and why antiandrogens do, and basically explains pretty much everything. I do expect a lot of opposition to this as usual on here, but just try to keep open minds and approach this constructively and analytically!! :)


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How explain this theory the special paattern of hairloss?, and how explain the different incidence between sexes? I didn't see it in the post


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armandein said:
How explain this theory the special paattern of hairloss?, and how explain the different incidence between sexes? I didn't see it in the post

Because! DHT = sebum. So less androgenic control means more free T which = more DHT which = more sebum! Get it? :)


So if your theory is correct, we want to balance our hormones? With what? DIM? Maca? Calcium D-Glucarate? If not, what do you propose?


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monty1978 said:
His theory isn't correct or we would not lose hair on the top of our head alone and hair transplantation would not work either.

Do bear in mind that the DHT I am referring to is being made IN the follicle by 5ar2 and the follicle is also then reacting to the DHT. Therefore, the follicle's genetics dictate the extent to which both of these happen, right?

I've also heard a theory that DHT increases lymph flow, and that is why it gets increased - to aid with detox, not due to mere imbalance. I really am not sure on that, but the outcome would be the same.

To fix this in myself I am taking colloidal silver and applying it to my scalp once or twice a day as well to kill the infection that's causing the dandruff I've had during having male pattern baldness (it's pretty serious ._. ).

I am also considering using something like tretinoin topically to reduce sebum.

In time, I hope that the internal CS will kill off all the bad bacteria and fungus so I can start to heal and my hormones will go back to normal.

If it works I'll put it all in Success Stories, ofc :)


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Hoppi said:
Do bear in mind that the DHT I am referring to is being made IN the follicle by 5ar2 and the follicle is also then reacting to the DHT. Therefore, the follicle's genetics dictate the extent to which both of these happen, right?

The follicle's genetics help determine the amount of DHT it produces, and then certainly determines the kind of response it has to the DHT and other androgens (whether it's stimulated by them like body hair, or suppressed by them like scalp hair).


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Then, we come back to the idea that exist different hairs in human scalp, the top hairs and the hairs around it, :dunno: is it right?. I doubt it, but there is any study probing these suposed genetic differences in healthy hairs?


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armandein said:
Then, we come back to the idea that exist different hairs in human scalp, the top hairs and the hairs around it, :dunno: is it right?. I doubt it, but there is any study probing these suposed genetic differences in healthy hairs?

Yeah I know man, I mean to be frank, I don't know why the sides are spared. A friend of mine says it could be to do with lymph flow, another says blood flow. I don't know man. But definitely anyone who has had dandruff since male pattern baldness started should try topical colloidal silver twice a day to kill it, and anyone with other health issues accompanying male pattern baldness should take 8oz of CS internally a day I think (for 3-6 months or so).

I find it fascinating this idea that white blood cells are elevated in balding scalps. What are they fighting?


I have male pattern baldness but have never had dandruff, what can I do in your theory?


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goten574 said:
I have male pattern baldness but have never had dandruff, what can I do in your theory?

Erm, as a bit of a questionnaire - what age did your male pattern baldness start, did it make your scalp oilier than before, and do you have any other health issues such as general IBS or upper right abdominal pain?


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I'll bump this once just because it stagnated and I was waiting for a response :)


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I know this is like a 2 year old bump. But I wanted to address some of the questions in this thread because its the most plausible explanation I've seen floating around and agree with mostly. The key to the previous questions are that studies have shown we have enlarged sebaceous glands on the top of our head compared to the side ( and more). IMO this is due to UV-irradiation ( The sun and lights we sit under all day contacts the top of our head more than any other part of our body. This compounded with testosterone ( means that especially in puberty we are growing sebaceous glands quite quickly. What I don't agree with is the idea of decreased blood flow. If this was true and it was a systemic problem, FUE would not work. This whole system is so similar to Acne.