The Cure.


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I want your guys opinions on this now i know that gene therapy is the next big step for curing alot of illnesses but do you think after we find out all the genes in ones body that there will be a hairloss cure from that?
Or do you think there will be a cure from some other source?
Opinions anybody.

hair mchair

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I think gene therapy is a long way off.

More likely, "the cure" will be a stem-cell based procedure.


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I beleive the cure will be when we can alter the condition of the top of our scalp so it acts like the sides... not losing any hair... oh man wet dream right there...

George Costanza

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I beleive the cure will be when we can alter the condition of the top of our scalp so it acts like the sides... not losing any hair... oh man wet dream right there...

Exactly as I've always thought, a way to prevent the follicles on top from making AR sites.