The Direct Descendants Of The Original Humans Dont Appear To Go Bald.


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So why do the people who live in Portugal, Spain, etc. still go bald?
The only explanation would be that the northerners permanently express this mutation and as a result of people breeding with northerners they have acquired this trait even though they don't intrinsically live in an area that would trigger it.


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I wonder who were the first North American/South American, European, African, Australian and Asian men to be affected by male pattern baldness. Like the first of each continent and who their ancestors were so when we find a cure, and figure out how to time travel backward we can cure them all and save mankind from baldness. This site would never exist, and none of us would be here bitching about our hairloss but also our hair loss and grief wouldn't exist.


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Evolution is blind and lazy. It tries stuff at random, if the results are not terrible they get passed on. People today say relax, it's just baldness. Imagine having to deal with starvation, loneliness and predators. Suddenly, strong, funny and bald as a cue ball Boggo looks like Brad Pitt.
Besides, even if we assume that all of humanity came from these ancient people, 60,000 years is plenty of time for evolution to give us a bitchslap.


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Dr William Rassman said that American Indians also don't suffer from baldness.


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Bro scientist here. One theory says when we left the safety of forest cover and easy food became scarcer, we had to do a lot of running or scooting at first? to avoid being eaten by predators, like sabertoothed cats the size of cows. Was a losing battle as the cats were super predators before us for like 40 million years. We had no sharp claws or big teeth to pulverize flesh and bone with, like even hyenas still have today. And our night vision sucked. So we had to start movinf faster, and all that hair became a cooling problem. Notice those modern Africans have smooth chests and limbs and svelt physiques. I bet they are good runners. Sub saharan Africans the most genetically diverse ppl on earth today. The farther away from Africa we look to the genetic diversity fades.


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Yes and I think for mating purposes, baldness or cuteness of the male was not a top priority for women long time so much as security. If the male was a good hunter and slayer of predators and even a protector against marauding tribes, he was deemed good for mating with. Even for many women today, male looks take a backseat to financial security. And everything in between is in play of course. I tend to agree with those of us who say to shave it and get in good physical condition, make and save more money if we want to get with a nice Chica. Women know that they're the pretty ones and we're supposed to be the strong ones hairy or not.


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Yes and I think for mating purposes, baldness or cuteness of the male was not a top priority for women long time so much as security. If the male was a good hunter and slayer of predators and even a protector against marauding tribes, he was deemed good for mating with. Even for many women today, male looks take a backseat to financial security. And everything in between is in play of course. I tend to agree with those of us who say to shave it and get in good physical condition, make and save more money if we want to get with a nice Chica. Women know that they're the pretty ones and we're supposed to be the strong ones hairy or not.

that means that you'll attract women that care about what you can DO for her, not about YOU.

men are attracted to the body of the woman, they fetichize it and write poems about it, you can't separate a woman from her body,
that means that men really love women.

women who are attracted to status or physical ability are parasites . and the men who chose to be with them are living a lie.

check this video to know to what extreme these women go.

she'll never love YOU, she loves what you can DO (even kill for her).

if i ever go bald, i'll never be in a relationship. no one will convince me that they find me attractive without my hair. and i'm not interested in someone wanting to be with me just because i can punch other dudes.
these kind of women use violent men as a mean to power, they are power hungry b****s but they don't want to get their hands dirty so they use clueless violent men.
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You'll be surprised to discover not all women are megalomaniacal psychopaths, parasitic and, or, untrustworthy. By far it is men who cheat and rob the most, have been the biggest liars in history, and way outnumber women when it comes to having perpetrated mass murders. Oh and we are by far the most prolific perpetrators of rape as per the historical record. Power hungry women? Guess again. Don't listen to the right wing make-believe anti-feminist propaganda, it'll warp your mind more than it already is.

The truth is that you want hair for your own feel good, your own self image and confidence not any woman. Most women don't give a sh*t about your hair, I know. I've had more women, and better looking women, too, as a Norwood 2.5 than I ever had with full head of hair and thought I was too sexy for the catwalk in Milan, New York and Japan. Seriously. Bald guys gittin' with some very nice looking women all the time by what I've experienced and see all around me. Open your eyes. Get your head out of your ***. You want to keep your hair because it's who you are but not what all women necessarily demand in either a marriage or 'recreational sex' partner.
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You'll be surprised to discover not all women are megalomaniacal psychopaths, parasitic and, or, untrustworthy. By far it is men who cheat and rob the most, have been the biggest liars in history, and way outnumber women when it comes to having perpetrated mass murders. Oh and we are by far the most prolific perpetrators of rape as per the historical record. Power hungry women? Guess again. Don't listen to the right wing make-believe anti-feminist propaganda, it'll warp your mind more than it already is.

The truth is that you want hair for your own feel good, your own self image and confidence not any woman. Most women don't give a sh*t about your hair, I know. I've had more women, and better looking women, too, as a Norwood 2.5 than I ever had with full head of hair and thought I was too sexy for the catwalk in Milan, New York and Japan. Seriously. Bald guys gittin' with some very nice looking women all the time by what I've experienced and see all around me. Open your eyes. Get your head out of your ***. You want to keep your hair because it's who you are but not what all women necessarily demand in either a marriage or 'recreational sex' partner.

i just stated some facts, men are programmed to seek the most beautiful woman, you can't separate a woman from her body, so men really love women, at least before their first child gets old enough, it's evolution, men are programmed to blindly love a woman (to stay with her through her pregnancy where she needs more food).

women are vunerable when pregnant so evolution will chose women who are attracted to the most powerful man that can provide for her. and you can separate a man and his wealth. so women don't love men the way men love women. women love men as a utility, men love the looks of a woman (her).

i'm not saying that all women are like that, there are nympho women who love men, and from my experience they are mostly BI.

and yes men are more violent than women, but at least they are exercing their violence by themselves and not using others to do the dirty work for them.

ps: i'm not saying that women are bad, they are just programmed like this, it's what's good for the survival of the tribe. but now men don't have to be with this kind of women and be happy about it like the dude i replied to.
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these eskimos say you lying mo fo


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I don't know where that guy lives that men cheat more than women, but it's not true in my part of the world. I have slept with many married/partnered women, and could have slept with so many more. Almost all women cheat. A lot of men are disloyal too, but I find more often than not they are more faithful than their wives.



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I don't know where that guy lives that men cheat more than women, but it's not true in my part of the world. I have slept with many married/partnered women, and could have slept with so many more. Almost all women cheat. A lot of men are disloyal too, but I find more often than not they are more faithful than their wives.

Yes just last year a woman, whom I later found out to be married with six kids, hit on me. Must have taken off her ring at the bar before buying me a drink. Said she was financially independently wealthy. Said she was lonely and wanted more out of life. Being single and lonely myself, I fell for her story. One thing led to another. She lied to me then didn't call. Finally saw her at the grocery store. We went to the motel where she explained solemnly to me that she works for the CIA, which I believed was the reason for our discreet liaisons at a motel. Boy did I feel stupid for believing her.

Apparently the b****s do it all the time.


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women are vunerable when pregnant so evolution will chose women who are attracted to the most powerful man that can provide for her. and you can separate a man and his wealth. so women don't love men the way men love women. women love men as a utility, men love the looks of a woman (her).

Yes our violent right wing misogynist friends, the Taliban, would agree with that. Best to marry them when they are most lovable, when they are young and pretty. There they can be beheaded for frigging around on their loving husbands. Wear nail polish and get buried alive for it.

And in India, millions of mature women are abandoned by their husbands not because they are disembodied from their once youthful appearances in the minds of their husbands but because there are just younger more beautiful women also deserving of true love (and with families offering dowries) available whose bodies are also inseparable from who they are, too? Wives, mothers and sisters are abandoned on the streets to fend for themselves in countries where people search for social justice and gender equality their entire lives and never find it.

The conservative right in every country has much to teach us about true love and how to treat the b****s we love. They are mere receptacles for our sperm and no more. I love right wing fundamentalism because it makes us realize people in general are just one-dimensional prisoners of our own greed and lust. Fundamentally, human beans can be reduced to caricatures of the seven deadly sins. We're all just so much cattle really.
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Yes our violent right wing misogynist friends, the Taliban, would agree with that. Best to marry them young when they're pretty. There they can be beheaded for frigging around on their loving husbands. Wear nail polish and get buried alive for it.
i agree, men prefer mostly young women.
and yes, civilisation was not good for women because instead of f*****g with the top 10%, they had to settle for ugly manlets because they had some rice. that's why feminism is on the rise, women are fed up with
average guys, it's not in their nature to be impregnated by them, and now they have the welfare state,
no ugly men with rice needed.

And in India, millions of mature women are abandoned by their husbands not because they are disembodied from their once youthful appearances in the minds of their husbands but because there are just younger more beautiful women also deserving of true love (and with families offering dowries) available whose bodies are also inseparable from who they are, too? Wives, mothers and sisters are abandoned on the streets to fend for themselves in countries where people search for social justice and gender equality their entire lives and never find it.

that's exactly my point, i can't guarantee that men will continue to love women after the birth of the children thought.
it's just evolutionary not necessary, seeking other young fertile women will be better for the tribe.
that's why most divorces happen later in the marriage.
see that i'm not judging anyone's morality here, just stating evolutionary facts.

The conservative right in every country has much to teach us about true love and how to treat the b****s we love. They are mere receptacles for our sperm and no more. I love right wing fundamentalism because it makes us realize people in general are just one-dimensional prisoners of our own lust and greed. We're all just so much cattle really.

conservatism is cancer, i respect some feminists more than conservative girls , and conservative men literally pay women to love them by signing a sponsoring contract for life (sex for food), and conservative women are literally contract w****s.

still can't refute the fact that women don't love men, they love what men can do for them.
men love the beauty of women, and you can't separate a woman from her beauty. but you can separate a man from his wealth, that's why most women are hypergamous.
and men should be around just for the children to grow up. that's why men are blindly fell in "love" with young beautiful women, and sign the most retarded deal of their life with them (marriage), and that's why divorces happend, men aren't supposed to love one woman forever.


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Women still haven't achieved equality and especially not pay equity in the far western countries. That is right, many women and men are not happy under the regime of the new liberal capitalism in place since the 1970s-80s. Since de-industrialization of the last 30 years here in North America, men have been raised to be boys in a boy culture of wants and desires. We need our toys, our bass boats and off road vehicles, our sports cars and inanimate things in general. Men 2 boys culture whereas women are increasingly pursuing higher education in order to earn better pay. They know what they want whereas a lot of young men are lost.

And if we were true right wingers, most of us wouldn't believe in evolution. And if we were Taliban, we would ask, Are the sun and the moon the same? And if we are those minority of ultra conservatives who do believe in science, then we should shun technology including the technology for regenerative medicine. We should ignore any future treatments for hair loss. We would think like the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, who wrote in his manifesto that we should go back to the good old days of hewer and drawer economies when men were men and women were our subservient non equals.


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A balding head doesn't give you that much more vitamin D3.

I does actually if you are permanently cloaked in think clothing/fu everywhere but on your head.
And if you furthermore live in a place with little sunshine but endless forests where the light just shines in vertically for a few hours most of the year.

Also hunting males had a very very low survivability as every wound could mean death. This evolutionionary pressure produced blue eyes and blonde hair, as females had to stand out.

It's furthermore known that our reduced muscle strength compared to apes is probably an evolutionary adjustment that happend to reduce the risk of broken bones which underlines the need for bone density.

So the theory makes a lot of sense. There is no simple way to apply this theory thought as there is no simple gene/molecule adjustment that you can make. But maybe it helps to understand the involved pathways.