The dropper with regaine


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I see a lot of people talk about using a dripper or something to apply minoxidil to their head. I'm assuming this isn't included in the packet?

The rubbing thing is useless and I can only use the spray thing cos the situation isn't grave enough to use anything else as I try and get the nozzle under hair to the skalp. I just need a bit of clarification cos I need to find the most beneficial way to apply it for thinning hair but still hair there.

Although wierdly I find the minoxidil helps the styling it works better than Gel if I wanna spike it up! In fact could I spike it up first and then apply minoxidil could that work?



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Welcome to the pain all of us who use Rogaine/Regaine face. That dauber is 100% useless. Unless you only apply minoxidil to the hairline or are bald, it does you no good unless you want it all over your hair.

The place I get Rogaine just had a nice sale and I bought 9 months worth and oddly enough, they all came with a dauber AND a dropper. I had the biggest smile on my face and felt such joy at this discovery, then I frowned and wept as I realized I was feeling such elation over a dropper for my Minoxidil... :cry:

Anyway, I hope Rogaine has realized the evil errors of it's ways and goes back to the dropper. Oh, and you can go to a drug store and purchase a dropper for about $2.


My first bottle of name brand Rogaine was given to me by my derm. It came with the dropper and sprayer. After i finished that bottle i went to Rite-Aide and got their generic minoxidil. THe generic came without a dropper, but its a good thing i kept my rogaine dropper. Maybe only Rogaine comes with the dropper and some generics don't?


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i am receding at the front of my hair and i use rogaine, how do u use that "dropper" thing?? i couldnt figure it out so i use the spray nozzle?? is this useless? should i be using the dropper??


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i use the dropper/dauber

ive developed a technique that works well for me:

keep a slight amount of pressure at the tip of the dropper and "draw" lines on the scalp as if ur colouring yourself with it

this way it gets spread more evenly, and results in less flakes of dried minoxidil

anyone else want to share their methods?


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This has totally confused me. What's a dauber?

my pack of regaine (the UK version of minoxidil) came with a sorta rubbing thing to rub on your slaphead, and two sprays - one with a nozzle at the end for a more precise aim and another which is more like a huge deoderant spray. Considering I haven't any bald area i use the nozzle one but it's really annoying. It gets over my hair more than the scalp and it seems each spray is a different strength and I can't tell if anything's come out! This means I'm probably not applying the exact right amount!

So I need to get a dropper from a separate store? How would I apply it to get 1ml or whatever it is I need? Do you drop 6 times or something?


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mr_sparkle said:
This has totally confused me. What's a dauber?......

mr_sparkle said:
The rubbing thing is useless ......


Dropper. It is a medicine dropper and you squeeze the bulb for drops to come out.

Dauber. It has two rubber pointed end that are to be squeezed as you run the thing across the scalp. The thing is so F-ING complicated and useless it now has it's own instruction manual on how to use it inside the box.It's a 15 (or something close to it) step process.

Did that clear it up?


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okay so the UK package Regaine has neither of these!

It has 2 sprays - one kinda like a deogderant spray to cover big areas,one with a tiny nozzle for the thinners which always gives out differing amounts of minoxidil in each spray so you can never tell if youve got exactly 1ml on your head! and a roll-on rubber thingy if youre bald!

So i need to get a dropper then! The annoying thing is with the nozzle spray most of it get's more on my hair than my skalp - will it kinda soak through and get to the scalp or should I be worrying?


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Hmm I just bought my first box of Rogaine, 3 month supply, and it comes with a dropper. -----> dropper pic

I just park my hair and run the dropper up the line slowly while squeezing the dropper lightly. It's so easy to use.

Why did they change the dropper to a dauber? Daubers are so hard to use and can't tell if you're getting 1ml. Does dauber cost less...?


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ah see we British aren't so lucky. I've got a spray thing which is actually not too bad the problem is you have to hold it upright to get the best spray which means having to look down and therefore not be able to see the back of your head in a mirror - you kindof have to line up where you want to spray the minoxidil and remember that spot and tilt your head down and spray! Is a dropper the best thing to get?

my hair seems a lot more lifeless since starting minoxidil (a week ago). At first it was easy to spike up and could withstand the wind blowing it but now it's getting impossible to style! Anyone else find that?

I hope this stuff works!


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mr_sparkle said:
ah see we British aren't so lucky. I've got a spray thing which is actually not too bad the problem is you have to hold it upright to get the best spray which means having to look down and therefore not be able to see the back of your head in a mirror - you kindof have to line up where you want to spray the minoxidil and remember that spot and tilt your head down and spray! Is a dropper the best thing to get?

my hair seems a lot more lifeless since starting minoxidil (a week ago). At first it was easy to spike up and could withstand the wind blowing it but now it's getting impossible to style! Anyone else find that?

I hope this stuff works!

Hi Mr. Sparkle, yea I have been using Rogaine for only 3 weeks and yes I notice my hair looks worst now also. I think the "sick" hair is falling off and growing into a much thicker version.


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see I've only been on a week so unless I'm an incredibly quick responder it may not be good news.But it'sprob jst cos of the greasiness of it all.

What I may have to do is applyit at like 5am and then go back to sleep and then shower after it's been absorbed so my hair looks okay. I dunno.