The everlasting shedding .


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So I started finasteride like 7 months ago , stopped minoxidil a while back because it provoked an instantaneous shed that didn't stop even months after starting .
I started loosing hair approx 1 year ago and I'm living a continuous shed since
It has slowed/ almost stopped a few times and went through 1 ginormous effluvium and a 1 smaller.
I have/had weird symptoms : I started shedding hairs without any previous sign of thinning everywhere on the scalp , huge builds up of sebum and extreme pain in the scalp .
For some time now I've been also loosing lots and lots of very small hairs , don't know what that means exactly .

I really don't know what to do any more , and my morale is down the toilet .
The only thing that helped me was a strong treatment of prednisolone that I used for another problem, it is is a synthetic corticosteroid drug that is particularly effective as an immunosuppressant and used as an antiinflammatory , it helped a great deal with scalp pain and reduced the shed . But I don't know what to make of it and don't know who to talk to , all the doctors I saw say they don't know why this is ...
I'd appreciate any advice / help / support .

Brains Expel Hair

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Autoimmune based hair loss is not uncommon at all. That you showed improvement with treatment of an immune suppressant shows that this is likely to be your particular cause of hair loss.

The tough part is finding your trigger, there are many different causes for excess inflammation and so pinning it down is rather difficult. The easiest causes to eliminate first are dietary causes of inflammation so try something like an elimination diet to see if the inflammation/shedding gets better. Additional treatment of corticosteroids isn't necessarily the best as far as a long term treatment goes, but in the short term they work wonders for the occasional flare ups once you've started to get things under control.