ok! now i understand. but it is suposed to be used two times a day. ok i do the first aplication in the morning after a shower, and then style my hair with gel.... then after work in the night i come home and then have to use it again. is it ok to use in hair with gel? or i need again to take a shower to clean the hair gel and apply it? two baths in a day is two much, it isnt goog at all. anyday i will do more nothing than shower apply something, shower, apply something. Please any comments are apreciated, i am going to do a big step. You know i am using propecia maybe two years, and in the beggining the hair was amazing! wow! so many hair! the hairloss stop completely, then in the 8 month mark the hairloss beggin again and that never stopped. now my hair is a misery, i still have hair and new hairs coming, but when i look at it, how can i explain, i see all the scalp covered but where the hair part, i dont see anymore adults hairs, i see more and more little hairs and big hairs are less. some can say hey dude you are groing new hair thats great! but for me is minituration. more little hairs that die really fast before grow big hairs. i was taking for many time the proscar divided in 5, but last month i went to the propecia. i dont know if this can be anygood but i am trying something. i am trying this becose in the beggining i was on propecia then jumped to the proscar, maybe is becouse of this the hairloss started again. thanks to everyone who read all this stuff. JUST ONE FINALLY QUESTION, IS THE FOAM STUFF WORTH IT? can i expect big results from that? i am going to have some shed? that is a horrible thought! I would like to post here some pictures to you guys say what you think about my situation. how can i do that?