The Golden rule: "Make the hair and skin a similar colo


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Shave it, get a tan. Luckily I don't think I'll ever get past a Norwood 5, so I have the option of not totally bic-ing it, which I think looks stupid.


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Hell yeah. If you're fighting a losing battle to maintain your favorite pre-hair loss hairstyle and having good and bad days (good merely pacifying you and bad seriously bumming you out) trying to conceal it do yourself a favor and shave it and tan yourself. If we're vain enough to care this much about hair loss, then pouring time and money into stuff like getting a tan, going to the gym a lot, eating a seriously healthy diet, taking vitamins, taking extra good care of teeth and being mindful of smelling good all the time should be the way to go. If hair loss is affecting your mood negatively and consistantly channel your negative energy into positive self improvement in every other way. Learn a new language. Learn a to play a musical instrument. Make yourself more interesting. You'll be a better person only with a shaved head.

Note to self: this post will probably be a self fulfilling prophesy


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Hell yeah. If you're fighting a losing battle to maintain your favorite pre-hair loss hairstyle and having good and bad days (good merely pacifying you and bad seriously bumming you out) trying to conceal it do yourself a favor and shave it and tan yourself. If we're vain enough to care this much about hair loss, then pouring time and money into stuff like getting a tan, going to the gym a lot, eating a seriously healthy diet, taking vitamins, taking extra good care of teeth and being mindful of smelling good all the time should be the way to go. If hair loss is affecting your mood negatively and consistantly channel your negative energy into positive self improvement in every other way. Learn a new language. Learn a to play a musical instrument. Make yourself more interesting. You'll be a better person only with a shaved head.

Note to self: this post will probably be a self fulfilling prophesy


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True, trying to make your (remaining) hair color closer to your skin color (or vice versa via tan) greatly helps, I already noticed that.
My brother who has hairloss is described as "the guy with the horseshoe" when he doesn't dye his hair, and is described as "the blond guy" when he do.


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people call your brother "the guy with the horseshoe"?

I'm just about at that stage now, I hope no-one starts calling me that


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pharoh said:
people call your brother "the guy with the horseshoe"?
Well he is "described" that way, not called, fortunately! It would be unbearable. He is 30. Unfortunately, hairloss at an advanced stage is a part of how people identify/describe you.


Well I certainly did not put my life on hold. In fact I look much better now with slightly receeding temples than I did when I was 21.