The Horror...The Horror


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I wake up in the morning , with my short cut front hair diffusion-filled head, and it just looks so bad. If there ever was a headshape that needed to be covered with hair, and that if that hair went it would dramatically affect the appearance to the point of horror....that's my headshape. Wow, I don't even want to live lol. :freak:


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ripple-effect said:
Yes, same thing with me.. What's your regimen
Ive been taking spironolactone and xandrox and nizoral for about 6 months, but these 2 weeks Ive taken a hiatus to seriously consider if I can put topicals twice a day until something better comes along, and I see no improvement. At all. Im thinking about just starting propecia. Im worried about risks, but I really think thats the road I want to go if I want to fight this.


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I know what you mean mate, the top of my head is almost shaped like a triangle, my head is very narrow and I have a lot of moles on my scalp. All in all it sucks but I'm not sure it matters so much. I see a lot of people with shaved heads and wierdly shaped heads, especially a lot of black people, and I'm not convinced it really makes that much of a difference to overall appearance. People did used to take the piss out of me for it though, so maybe it does...arg.


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chino20 said:
I know what you mean mate, the top of my head is almost shaped like a triangle, my head is very narrow and I have a lot of moles on my scalp. All in all it sucks but I'm not sure it matters so much. I see a lot of people with shaved heads and wierdly shaped heads, especially a lot of black people, and I'm not convinced it really makes that much of a difference to overall appearance. People did used to take the piss out of me for it though, so maybe it does...arg.

Well for me, I think part of is a complex from having good hair in my teens that I took for granted, and now for it to be happening in my early 20s and just not looking good with short hair at all, it's devastating . I think I'm just trying to cross borders from normal/attractive looking to ..Not. Cause obviously I'm not what I was looks wise anymore without full hair , and I wish I could just accept it with a certain peace. There's still this tension every damn time I look in the mirror.

Time I began propecia, I took your guys' advice seriously, I've been reading a bunch of threads about what to use for hairloss...I still think Dr. Lee's stuff could work but I cant go through 2 applications a day like that, a single pill is just so much more appealing. It's only that weird *** side effect that happens with some men and their chests that completely scared me off, what a bizarre thing to get...seriously. Otherwise I dont care about the libido thing, I welcome propecia to try to tame it, I'm like a bull in that regard .