The Hospital group UK


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Hi so I went for consulation a few weeks ago with suigcare via the ziering company

Now I've been researching a bit and i've heard bad reviews.
I mean on the day I arrived there I was waiting like what 35 minutes past the appointed time which straight away made me think this place is not professinal one bit.. I was then told he was with a patient which he obversaly wasn't because I overheard him talking about something that had nothing to do with hair loss.. and the place seemed like it was full of sh*t anyway. all pretty people stuck up all over the walls.

Even after speaking to him and the recptionist said good luck n all that I could tell in her voice something wasn't right with the place.

I'm mean from that day to me it was pretty clear something isn't right but hopefully a few people can verify I think that company is run by cowboys and my best option would be to go to a good and legitiment company in America or Canada.

hope I get some replys soon :p I know hair transplant is possible just depends whos doing it :)

El Nino

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I wouldn't go within a mile of The Hospital Group. Sounds like you made a good decision based on gut instinct.

Good luck with your search.


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Thanks guys I mean I know i was being fed bullshit from the start. the place was full of bs I got no Scientific medical information what so ever just some gay guy telling me everythings gonna be alright! and how i'm gonna get a deal.. guess I best get researching places in america or europe.

I know its possible I just need to find the right person with some hard evidence they can do the job.

Anyway thanks.


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Thanks for that monty I'll research into those people.

What i need is an eyebrow transplant just out the outer third of my eyebrow but now i'm starting to doubt its not possible.. kinda sucks but guess I'll have to live with it.

and tbh I think its bad that there consulents can talk like everythings going to be okay, I'm kinda of fortunate that I have an education that allows me to see through lies like that.. but other people can't and its not there fault.


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The fact that you're talking to consultants tells you everything you need to know. If you dont have your consult with the surgeon himself then the place is a amatuer clinic.

The name itself gives it away HOSPITAL GROUP - who's that? Its no one just a faceless chain offering a menu type choice of everything from boob jobs to liposuction, employing any surgeon who's available and if these surgeons were worth 5hit they'd have their own clinic with their own name on the door.

You wont go far wrong with any of the guys on monty's list.


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GhostXL said:
Thanks for that monty I'll research into those people.

What i need is an eyebrow transplant just out the outer third of my eyebrow but now i'm starting to doubt its not possible.. kinda sucks but guess I'll have to live with it.

and tbh I think its bad that there consulents can talk like everythings going to be okay, I'm kinda of fortunate that I have an education that allows me to see through lies like that.. but other people can't and its not there fault.

I had an eyebrow transplant during my last hair transplant, very happy with the results though a number of surgeons told me they could not do it.

You're wise to shop around and keep checking your options, just be wary of following advice from people who have never actually even been to a hair transplant clinic and are just copying and pasting the opinions of others.


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Thanks gemni.

Those people on that list have given me a bit more faith i've also found a man called Dr farjo whos actually looks quite good aswell, since its close i'm gonna give a consulation a go and then decide do I need to go to America or Europe.

From the looks of it farjo did do a job on a man who kinda of has the same condition as me (Ulerythema ophryogenes) so I'd be intrested to see what the out come was. fairly sure it would work in my case.

oh and saf the hospital group actually goes under the company ziering. I thought they'd just moved into the country as soon as I arrived at the place I'm meeting a guy from sugicare.. that honestly made me think wtf is this circuis being run here. They seem like a dirty company though, just got the law to protect them with there botch jobs... or maybe I'm completly wrong but when I'm not being backed up with medical facts and being fed a yarn you know.. makes you think.


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I know a number Dr. Farjo's clients personally. He's one of the two surgeons in the UK who I would personally recommend (as I've seen the results first hand).

El Nino

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IMO, Dr. Farjo is the best in the UK. But is not in the same league as the best elsewhere.

I've seen some excellent eyebrow results from Dr. Rahal in Canada. And I can highly recommend him after having two hair transplants with him.


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Yeah El nino

I'm gonna have a consulation with the guy and see what he says, I mean really looking at overrall people who can actually do a good job its a pretty small area of people at the top.

The guy seems legitimat but if I don't see what i wanna see I'm just gonna open my horizon to further out places possibly belgium you know I'm not better off than I am now.

again though thanks for the advice and giving some real drs names, I was losing faith the other day :p