The illusion hair product creates....(its kinda like drugs)


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About a year ago I discovered one of the best hair thickening products on the market, its Garnier Manga Head Putty. (See pic below) ... a_head.jpg

You can create awesome crazy hairstyles and make ridiculously huge mo-hawks (providing you put enough in) its crazy powerful stuff. Its basically like superglue for your hair.

Anyway at the end of last year, I thought all my dreams had come true with this new product. My rapidly diffusing hair now had some life and bounce to it and I would cake this stuff in my hair by the ton, often leaving it in over night. It made my hair look so normal and dare i even say "THICK".

Now here is the catch --> The moment i showered and washed my hair, the sad reality of my situation became very apparent, like a lightning bolt from the heavens my hair was always revealed for what it truelly was, painfully thin, see through and weak-whispy hair with a really bad hairline. So I liken hair product to drugs, you put it in and become addicted and seduced by its thickening power and you almost feel like you look normal again and to a certain extent even pretend ur not balding! But its all a lie, a big fat filthy LIE, its all an illusion. After using this product (i know many will disagree with me) but i noticed my hairline thinned a great deal more after only a few weeks of HEAVY use of this product, after my hairline had been stable on propecia for a couple of years. Coincidence? Maybe..Maybe not. But anyway now im trying to recover my hairline through the use of rogaine foam. For the record I still use this product just not in the amount i once did, it works pretty good. I limit its use to the frontal region.


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Yeah I know where you're coming from dude!

I use surfhair and it does the same for me, my hair looks straggly when wet, but when dry and with some surfhair I can make it look great! but I also notice I shed a lot more when using this stuff, life is sh*t!


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you are noticing more shedding because the product is not letting those shed hairs fall away normally during the day. therefore when u wash ur hair they all come out at once giving the illusion that using hair products are causing ur hairloss


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blueshard said:
you are noticing more shedding because the product is not letting those shed hairs fall away normally during the day. therefore when u wash ur hair they all come out at once giving the illusion that using hair products are causing ur hairloss

Thats an interesting point actually. Ive never thought of it like that. Coz ive heard of people with dreads have the same thing, the shedding hair gets caught up and mixed in the dreadlock causing an "illusion" of thickness. Then once they decide to cut them off they are practically bald as a plucked chicken!


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metalheaddude said:
blueshard said:
you are noticing more shedding because the product is not letting those shed hairs fall away normally during the day. therefore when u wash ur hair they all come out at once giving the illusion that using hair products are causing ur hairloss

Thats an interesting point actually. Ive never thought of it like that. Coz ive heard of people with dreads have the same thing, the shedding hair gets caught up and mixed in the dreadlock causing an "illusion" of thickness. Then once they decide to cut them off they are practically bald as a plucked chicken!

interesting. yeah, dermmatch is similar for me. it thickens me up, looks really good the next day, and then washes out in the shower. at least my hairs are angled nicely out of the shower. my forehead is wide though. yeah, I'm not NW5 or anything. just thin, wide, nW2. but I look forwards to my hair piece and a perfect NW1 for days in a row.


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collegechemistrystudent said:
metalheaddude said:
blueshard said:
you are noticing more shedding because the product is not letting those shed hairs fall away normally during the day. therefore when u wash ur hair they all come out at once giving the illusion that using hair products are causing ur hairloss

Thats an interesting point actually. Ive never thought of it like that. Coz ive heard of people with dreads have the same thing, the shedding hair gets caught up and mixed in the dreadlock causing an "illusion" of thickness. Then once they decide to cut them off they are practically bald as a plucked chicken!

interesting. yeah, dermmatch is similar for me. it thickens me up, looks really good the next day, and then washes out in the shower. at least my hairs are angled nicely out of the shower. my forehead is wide though. yeah, I'm not NW5 or anything. just thin, wide, nW2. but I look forwards to my hair piece and a perfect NW1 for days in a row.

why dont u just get a hair transplant then?


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He's had 3 of them! But a wig will always give you more hair than a hair transplant.