the impact of hairloss on my life



okay first i didnt even notice it because i had a comb down. when i saw my hair which was thinner than before in the mirror after showering i thought , well, hair will go thinner when you become older. but i didnt think that i would go bald. not at 18 or 19.

okay then i went to my doctor and he said i had male pattern baldness and i should take propecia. that i did. i thought "wow, im lucky that there is such a thing like propecia and it will grow my hair back and make it thick again."

okay i waited 3 month and let my comb down like it was (i always had this style since i was young). noone said anything about hairloss to me.

i knew that propecia may not grow back my hair and because of that i thought i would do a hair transplant if it wouldnt grow back. i wanted to go to MOSER MEDICAL in germany which is like bosley. okay i didnt know much at that point.

okay, after 3 months i went to a german hairloss site and there i read 2 things which made me feel so depressed. first was that propecia wouldnt in most cases grow your hair back. and second was that hair transplants are damn unperfect.

that was when my deep depression started. i slept longer, i didnt want to do anything anymore. i wanted to kill myself.

but i didnt do it. i went on with living and let my comb down like it was. i think that helped me because i didnt have to show my hairloss. though you could if you knew see that i have hairloss (because of the comb down) but noone ever said anything.

my depression over hairloss started exactly when i went to a hairloss site. i dunno if there is something related in it. because before i didnt worry so much about my hairloss. it just started when i went to a hairloss site.

maybe it was coz of the hairloss site or it was coz of the reason that i coudlnt do anything about my hairloss.

now i dont have a comb down anymore. im using concealers. and in 1 or 2 month im gona get transplants (fue).

even im not depressed anymore over my hairloss. though im a bit shy and unsecure because you might see the concealer (kerasome) . but its okay. i dont worry much anymore about hairloss. though i care about it.

my hairloss started with 18 1/2. now im 22 1/2. so its 4 years and im taking propecia for 2 1/2 months. in these 4 years only 4 people said something about my hairloss. first was a girl of my class and she said i was going bald. that was at 19. then my dad and my mother. and 4th was someone when i was swimming.

i always hided my hairloss and told noone about it because i always thought noone would like me anymore if they found out. only now i told some people and everyone i talked to said it wouldnt matter much. and i shouldnt care. and noone laughed about me or anyhting (which i expected).

i hope that with the transplants will work well because im gona spend much money in it. (15k) and 10k are from my parents.


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I'm going to give some advice and I HOPE that you take it!!!!

Save that 15k, WAIT for HM.

I guarantee it is a decision you will not regret.

I'm 20 and i'm pretty thin up top with a receding hairline. Sure, I hate it, but I don't want to f u c k up my head with scars. And what if you keep thinning? You'll look goofy as hell.

Better to be bald than to be scarred man.


i will go for FUE. so i wont have a scar. only little mini white spot scars. but i dont count them and i dont care about them.

and as for hm. when it comes out i will have enough cash to buy that aswell.


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a properly performed strip scar is about 1mm wide, so the total scarred area is less than the FUE. however, because it is in a straight line, that probably draws more attention to it if your head is shaved, compared to FUE. a strip procedure done by the best doctors will cost you just under $4 per graft. I don't want to discourage you from the FUE procedure, since i hope you shave your head after it heals fully and post a close up picture of the back of your head on this sight so we can see what the dot scars look like. no one has done that yet. very few doctors will show pictures of the back of a patient's head after a procedure, shaved. i would think a grateful patient would do that for a Doctor. i just had my second procedure with Dr keene. i should have shave my head after the first and took pics, but now i have to wait another 2 months for the pinkess to fully go away and for shocked hairs near it to grow back out. I could not find it with 1/4 inch hair and two mirrors.


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Hey man,
I know how depressing things might seem right now.
A couple of things to keep in mind, my friend.

Visiting hairloss websites isn't causing your depression. If it is, then you need to find a different hobby.

Obsessing over hairloss is what is hurting you.

I think a hair transplant can really benefit you in the long run, especially if visit a top surgeon. (I'm considering Armani in the next few years)

Being depressed isn't good enough. You HAVE to value yourself enough to get out of bed in the morning and say, "I'm going to get through today, even if it's just for today."

You HAVE to live life on a day-to-day basis, man. You have to say this ONCE and ONLY once to yourself every morning... "I'm not going to let my baldness f*** up this day."

You've only got a short time here on this earth, man.

This is all a waste of time... obsession, comparisons, depression, self-pity.

I want to prove to God that I'm stronger than all the sh*t that he throws at me, which is a lot.

Sure, I still think about my hair, but not as much. As fucked up as my creator might be, I'm still a man with free will, and the free will to say "f*** you" to everyone and everything that comes to me.

Where are you getting your transplants and with whom?

What Norwood are you? I think I saw your pictures a long time ago... really diffuse right?

I'm going to get Armanied in a few years, and know that it will give peace of mind, although the coverage won't be 100%, it will be pretty damn close... Plus, I have curly, wavy hair (naturally), so it should turn out great.

Anyway man, I don't want to make this too long (it already is). I think that you need some time off, some good friends, and a new train of thought and purpose in your life.

Look at this guy's transformation:

He was a Norwood 6 and now has a full head of hair... He went from very fat to very muscular and healthy. He drives a motorcycle to work, and is a completely different person.

There are stories of hope, where many of us feel hopeless.

You will be rewarded, I guarantee you, when you overcome this small obstacle, in your life.


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transplants do not get you close to 100%. If you are filling inspots where your hair is thin, or if you are liberally apply hair to a few small spots, you can get close to 100%. but for most people 50% is a realistic goal. A NW6 can cover his head with 30% tops, and will need a mature hair line. you can look pretty decent, but your hair will not look luxuriently thick. you won't look bald, but no woman will compliment your thick beautiful hair.

transplants are a lot better than being bald. but they are not HM. i'd like to fill my front in thicker with HM, but that is the area that must have the hairs going the right direction.