The "Ivory Dome" Theory of Pattern Hair Loss


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Interesting read.

"So if this observation is true, calcification will inhibit the passage of blood flow through the diploic veins that reach through the foramen that travel to scalp skin. Calcification of the diploic vein system will impair the blood supply to the scalp follicles resulting in hair loss and an "ivory dome" overtime."

Quantum Cat

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had a look around that guy's site. He claims he cured his hairloss through diet :hmmm:

and there's a lot of other very tall claims on there


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I'm not sure what role calcification has with respect to hair loss but ImmortalHair thinks it's a factor that needs to be addressed. I'm not familiar with that particular blog myself, saw it linked at another forum. Calcification of the diploic vein system will impair the blood supply to the scalp follicle -- if this is true, why do finasteride or dutasteride work in the long term? Is the calcification a result of the inflammatory processes related to Androgenetic Alopecia? If so, need to address the cause(s).
I'm not sold that this is a major factor but since this theory hasn't been posted at I figured I'd post it.


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Transplanted hair does not need bloodflow ;) so why bother?


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I'm not sure what role calcification has with respect to hair loss but ImmortalHair thinks it's a factor that needs to be addressed. I'm not familiar with that particular blog myself, saw it linked at another forum. Calcification of the diploic vein system will impair the blood supply to the scalp follicle -- if this is true, why do finasteride or dutasteride work in the long term? Is the calcification a result of the inflammatory processes related to Androgenetic Alopecia? If so, need to address the cause(s).
I'm not sold that this is a major factor but since this theory hasn't been posted at I figured I'd post it.

Calcification is a results of chronic inflammation e.g. arteriosclerosis. according to IM, This might be quite relevant to hair since an autopsy study showed that balding individuals has calcified vein systems in the cranial region that supplies the blood to hair root cells. Pretty much a disruption in intracellular calcium ion (Ca[SUP]2+[/SUP]) homeostasis.


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This calcification issue was taken from somewhere..wish I could find it- had posted it at Regrowth when the guru started bringing it up. You know..Regrowth..the place that seems to have died...

I also recall when posting about Prevagen years ago that he said it may have some use or benefit for hair loss. I guess they couldn't sell it themselves though :hmmm:

Prevagen represents a novel approach to fight the aging process.* Prevagen Professional™ is the first supplement from jellyfish and the first to address calcium imbalance through the restoration of calcium-binding proteins.*
Prevagen helps keep cells alive longer by protecting the body from an age-related decline in valuable calcium-binding proteins.
Replenish age-fighting proteins and reduce cell death with Prevagen Professional™!
Calcium-Binding Proteins

99% of the body's calcium is contained within bones and the other 1% is in blood and cells. The management of this 1% is critical for cell health. Any dysregulation or mismanagement can result in an unhealthy cell or even lead to cell death.
The healthy human body is able to manage calcium within the cell using calcium-binding proteins.

Calcium-binding proteins fight age by protecting the cell from an unhealthy amount of intracellular calcium. As you grow older, the body loses the ability to make calcium-binding proteins at the rate it did when you were young. This leads to potential cell death.

More info here:

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Maybe someone can go to this:

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I wonder if something I've been taking for quite some time has been helping any. Fruitflow(from Swansons):

Tomato- Interaction with TF, NO pathway and Ca[SUP]2+ [/SUP]flux, cGMP signalling


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ImmortalHair quote: "Prostaglandin D2 stimulates calcification. Inhibiting DHT is an indirect way of handling this. How calcium is regulated in the body, the amount of vitamin D, vitamin A also have an influence. In some indirect fashion, even magnesium plays a role (an influence) over the release of calcium, which can affect the synthesis of PGD2.

On another matter, regarding calcification of the vascular system, it is the undercarboxylation of MGP (Matrix Gla Proteins) appears to set the stage for vascular calcification. In order to carboxylate MGP, sufficient vitamin K2 is necessary, and so called RDA levels are not high enough to ensure this.

For this reason, I take Decalcify or at least some form of K2, preferably MK-7 form."

We know hair loss is multifacted so if you want to cover all your bases, supplementing with this should help with calcification but it might take a very long time until beneficial effects are seen with respect to hair growth (if the theory is correct). I take MK-4 because of certain studies which used this form. Decalcify is a supplement produced by IH and has both beneficial forms of K2 (MK-4 and MK-7) plus other ingredients which work synergistically (never used any IH products but they seem of high quality/promising).


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Well at least he's getting better at putting others' words into his own :woot:

In case anyone wants to feast on fermented foods and/or cheese to get your K's:

Fermented foods are especially interesting in this regard, because they can sometimes contain large amounts of vitamin K2 depending on the type of bacteria used to promote their fermentation. In the case of cheese, Swiss Emmental cheese and Norwegian Jarlsberg cheese are good examples of cheeses fermented with the help of K2-producing bacteria called Proprionibacterium. These bacteria can make large amounts of vitamin K2 in the form of menaquinone 9(H4), or MK-9(H4). In the case of fermented soy foods, the most important K2-producing bacteria are not Proprionibacterium but rather Bacillus bacteria. These bacteria have the ability to create a form of vitamin K called menaquinone-7 (MK-7). Studies have shown that higher levels of MK-7 in the blood correspond to lower risk of hip fracture in older Japanese women, and that higher MK-7 also correspond to increased intake of soy foods fermented with Bacillus bacteria.
One fascinating aspect of Bacillus-fermented soy foods is the potential ability of these bacteria to stay alive in our lower intestine after these foods are consumed and continue to provide us with vitamin K2 (in the form of MK-7). We've seen one study in which 1.6-20 million Bacillus bacteria (per gram of feces) were found to remain alive up to 6 days following consumption of natto. (Natto is a sticky and stringy form of soybeans in which you can still see the individual beans. It has a distinctly pungent aroma, and it has been widely enjoyed in Asia cuisines for several thousand years, and especially in Japanese cuisine.Bacillus subtilis var. natto is a specific variant (strain) of Bacillus used in natto production.)

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You can get MK products cheaper and better quality elsewhere. From companies we know we can trust..and aren't run by a bunch of guys that have been kicked out of 3 different forums...hype stuff up....plagiarize(had to throw that one still is a :shock: what went on there)....etc. Before this forum software was updated they were even banned from being mentioned here.


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You can get MK products cheaper and better quality elsewhere.

I would always recommend the cheapest route. I just put that out there for lazy people who don't care (didn't know about the drama). Whenever possible I go for NOW Foods personally. I use Carlson Labs Vitamin K2 (MK-4) but I'll be adding MK-7 into the mix soon to try out. I take Vitamin K2 for certain health benefits. I considered eating natto and other fermented foods, but it's too time consuming to incorporate into my daily routines.


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NOW is good. Swanson and Vitacost..their own label products, are good too. Sales at times..even BOGO. D Roddy uses LEF I see..which is a great line..just a bit pricey unless you see a sale I guess.

Swanson has the single, higher potency one on sale at the moment:


Healthy Origins is another brand..not sure if they have a K product though.


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Thanks for the tips. Good to know about the VitaCost brand being good. I've had bad experiences with NutraPlanet branded stuff, so I warn against that (the ingredient was completely inactive when shipped, shipped as new but 'expired'?, or wasn't what they claimed it to be). I'd still have to take quite a few of those Vitacost pills (4+) to get a comparable MK-4 dosage to 1 Carlson Labs K2 capsule. So I'd still buy both forms separately. MK-7 stays in the blood significantly longer so a low dose should suffice (100-200mcg), the MK-4 dose range is 5-15mg -- I'll be aiming for 15mg soon. 45mg of MK-4/day is an approved treatment in Japan for osteoporosis.

Summary of various studies on K2:


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Some reviews on the MK-4 removing plaque/whitening teeth(15mg product):

Good read on the fermented cod liver oil we discussed at Regrowth years ago:

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Interesting quote:
In my opinion that's useless. Most work on MK-4 shows studies using at least 45MG and the lowest use 15MG. One that I know of used 90MG.
MK-4 just has terrible absorption so taking less than 15MG simply ain't worth it. AOR should either use a real dosage or replace it with MK-7 at that same dosage.

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Here's a mega-mg product(along with calcium and D3)..haven't compared price per mg and with shipping etc:

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That latter one is also available at other places..including here:
That place usually sends out discount coupons every month or so..usually for 15% off.


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Thanks for the tips. Good to know about the VitaCost brand being good. I've had bad experiences with NutraPlanet branded stuff, so I warn against that (the ingredient was completely inactive when shipped, shipped as new but 'expired'?, or wasn't what they claimed it to be). I'd still have to take quite a few of those Vitacost pills (4+) to get a comparable MK-4 dosage to 1 Carlson Labs K2 capsule. So I'd still buy both forms separately. MK-7 stays in the blood significantly longer so a low dose should suffice (100-200mcg), the MK-4 dose range is 5-15mg -- I'll be aiming for 15mg soon. 45mg of MK-4/day is an approved treatment in Japan for osteoporosis.

Summary of various studies on K2:

MK-7 is the way to go. I tried them all!! Jarrow best brand out there.


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I think some of the comments under the article are more interesting/informative. Seems D Roddy only now has been looking into just another "researcher" like so many in these forums. Except he's selling an online book for $47 :doh: and is available for "Coaching"..for $3.33 a minute. No wonder he's friends with IH. Pathetic.


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So what are the best sources? Natto? Butter oil? I can't find them locally, only through supplements. Hair or not I'm going to take k2 somehow.


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Jacob, put on your thinking cap and head over to, then, and then When you're done, go to

Ask yourself how badly I want you to buy **** from me.

Maybe "pathetic" can be reserved for someone that hangs out on hair loss forums all day (3,107 posts and counting!), criticizing others, while contributing nothing to the community?

I need coaching? Can I get a bargain? 3.33 a minute?:tongue: Welcome to the forum Danny btw...!