The last two years of my life, at least.. have been a lie.

Bone Daddy

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Damn, I can't believe it..what should I do?

Before I had reason to come to this board, I was alwayscomfortable in a crowd, always outgoing, always wanting to go out and meet different people, and I always did.

When I got that bad hair cut, (that I'm still growing out) and I noticed that my hairline might have moved back a little and my temples too, I went to HCM, and sure enough hairlossI naturally freaked out. Went into a bout of depression, and anger and consequently I have limited all my activities outside since.

THEN, a week ago I had the birght idea to look at the top of my head, I saw a bald'sh patch from side to side.. about a 1/4 wide. I was devastated. It felt like suddenly hairloss was descending on me rapidly, and soon I would be completely bald.. Surely if I went from thick hair to a bald patch and moving hairlines in 2 months, this had to be so.

More depresson, and more seclusion have followed.

Then, I was talking to one of the girls I'm semi-dating. And I usually just draw in paint, or fool around on the PC when I'm on the phone for a while. So I decided to look at my old jpeg's from the cedar point trip 2 years ago.. what I think I saw was yet ANOTHER jaw drop moment.

I saw this picture
and even without zooming you can see that same patch on the back of my head.. with zoom the skin and it looks about the same size as it is now. (as much as I can tell)

I've had this f*****g thing for 2 damned years! AT LEAST 2 years! Everyone I've talked too, loved, made friends with, sexed, what-have-you.. have all been around me whilst I was suffering through hair loss.

And they never let on, maybe never noticed, hell I didn't.. But now there is no denieng.. I have hair loss. BUT I'm lucky it seems it's progressing very slowly.. and noone has noticed this whole time. NOt even my mom until yesterday when I showed her. She's been odd around me since. maybe it's just me though.

I am so depressed and lost.. Now I'm worried that everyone knew, and would talk about it behind my back, damn it. Now I'm afraid if I start finasteride, all my regular hair will fall out and I'll have made a mistake. I have been counting how much I shed and so far it's around 40 tops a day. So I know I have it better than alot of people that come here.. but I'm confused, and don't know what to do...

Know that I know this, would finasteride/nizoral still be the best way to go? I don't want to speed things up, but I've noticed that my top is starting to thin and I can swear I've seen velous hairs on my comb in the last couple of days.. so I'm slow.. but I don't know what to use to not hurt me more.

I have a camp out next week w/ 2 girls G damn it... just.. damn one freaking lie.. and because of it my regimine is messed up and my confidence gone.


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The crown looks good to me, man. I wouldn't say "that guy is going bald" from looking at those photos.

Bone Daddy

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Try the zoom in windows picture and fax viewer.. you can see the same bald'sh line on my crown. And that pic was 2 years ago.. noone noticed, but now.. larger with darker hair, I dunno.

But I'm afraid that if I use finasteride all my hair that I'm losing slowly will all fall the hell out :(

Not to mention my thinning hair on my top, if I'm not washed and conditoned you can see halfway up my scalp in spots. I'm afraid finasteride will make this worse with sheds.

If finasteride makes dht afected hairs shed, then most all of mine are affected! therefore all will be shed... @!$@$@!

Am I right?


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Finasteride doesn't always cause a shed - e.g., me. Only certain hairs will shed, and I assure you, the level of shedding reported on these sites is blown way out of proportion.

Again, even if you've had that spot for 2 years, it doesn't look bad to me at all.

Bone Daddy

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Yeah well it looks like I have for at least 2 years, I have always dyed my hair so, maybe now that I'm more brown and it's progressed a little more I notice.. well that and I looked at the top of my head.. :p

Thanks Axon, I hope to god your right, and others have said that. I do appreciate the postive posts, I need them right now. Maybe I should just order some toppik, some finasteride, and just stfu.

[side note]

This nizoral stuff is awesome...


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I know the feeling all too well of only really having a Norwood 1.5 but feeling very much like a NW7. I look at photos or in the mirror and ask myself "who could possibly miss this much loss?" But the truth is people don't notice.


Bone daddy you hair looks fine!

I susspect that if 'no one noticed' that is because there is nothing to notice, you are fine!!!!!!!!!

I often see posts here where people describe the personal hell they have descended into and the fire and damnation the unbearable burden of hairloss has brought them, souls torn apart by depression and worry, lives smashed prematurely on the rocks of hopelessness.

Then they show some pictures of a fine head of hair with the usual, "If you look closley (zoom you fool, zoom) you can kinda see a possible baldish patch but these pictures don't really show haw bad it is"

Your hair is fine!!!!!!

If you looked like me in my pictures I expect you would want to hurl yourself out of a 20th floor window.

I understand how these things can grip someone, but c'mon, there is no one in that photo with a hairloss problem.

Everyone I've talked too, loved, made friends with, sexed, what-have-you.. have all been around me whilst I was suffering through hair loss.

And they never let on, maybe never noticed

I wonder why ?

calm down crazy boy.

I have been on finasteride twice, once for around 18 months and more recently for around 11 months, NO SHED nothing!!!

Infact reading all the shed posts here I think that by not shedding I may be a slow resonder, I wouldn't mind a little hair cycling every now and then!!

Hang in there Bonedaddy


P.S In that photo, It's your legs I am worried about.

Bone Daddy

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LOL @ tynan.. you're my idol.

Ok, I do have awkward knees, but I can live with that.. :p

But I do have a bald'sh spot, its there in the mirror on top when I look, and it's progressed from that pic 2 years ago. its staring to peek out of the top-side of my hairline, and is a bit wider. Although it's hard to tell with the old picture. It's not shiny bald, it still has hair but their mostly velous. and you can see it now versus then. I could take a comparison pic If I had a digi cam. doh!

Not to mention the thinning on top and my hairline giving in a tad. No temple loss thank god.

And I do know that most will want to take a hammer to my skull for freaking out when I'm lucky enough to be a slow loser w/ a good amount of hair left.. and being all emo. Maybe if I didnt have such fine hair I'd still beliving happily in denial, I dunno. But fact remains I do have male pattern baldness, and I'm getting as bad as whats-his-name that wont even buy pills, lmao.

#@$@ mother nature, that wh***.. she gave me great eyes but defective hair.. screw the balance of life, I want both!

And yeah we dont have many active posters, and alot from people freaking out (like me :oops: ) so all I see is shed, shed, shed, shed, and shed...

Makes a man into a crazy boy


/continues freak-out