The logic behind the shed recovery theory.



Hey guys and Bryan.

I just wanted you to share your thought on the shed recovery theory.

From what I´ve understood the anagen phase lasts between 5 - 7 years then comes the 2 - 4 weeks telogen and then back to anagen.

My question is - do you guys belive that inhibiting DHT will shorten the anagen phase initially so that the hairfollicle can comeback with extra moustard after the following telogen phase?

If so how? do you belive that stemcells are divinding ? is there any proof that the foliclle has recovered? I´m just courious because for me it´s not so much about numbers it´s more about thickness.



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i recommend, if you haven't already, clicking on the word shed <---- in this reply, that basically sums up what is known or thought about shedding at this stage in our understanding of hairloss/regrowth.

in my opinion, i just think of DHT as simply slowly "starving" hair follicles. When you begin to reduce DHT scalp levels, the hair follicles can "wake up" again. many times, hairs that have been thin and wispy due to DHT "starvation" will wake up by reorganizing without the inhibition of DHT to produce a normal healthier hair. so yes, in my opinion and based on many of the results i have heard about, your hair can come in thicker the next time they are shed and regrown. often with propecia, these hairs are synchronized and do this in cycles, thus shedding. I am hoping this is what happens with me, as it is more "thinnning" than lack of density that is making my hair appear thinner. As for the stem cell theory, i think that's probably going deeper into the science than you need to, doctors are still trying to figure a lot of that stuff out.

the proof that the follicle has recovered is you will see a thicker healthier head of hair in about a year or so.
hope that helps, i'm sure some veteran posters could give you some more info if you feel you need it.


That's more or less the way it goes, Each time the hair is shed it will then come back thicker, then it will repeat that cycle until it reaches it's full potential.

The Gardener

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Trent8 said:
i recommend, if you haven't already, clicking on the word shed <---- in this reply, that basically sums up what is known or thought about shedding at this stage in our understanding of hairloss/regrowth.

in my opinion, i just think of DHT as simply slowly "starving" hair follicles. When you begin to reduce DHT scalp levels, the hair follicles can "wake up" again. many times, hairs that have been thin and wispy due to DHT "starvation" will wake up by reorganizing without the inhibition of DHT to produce a normal healthier hair. so yes, in my opinion and based on many of the results i have heard about, your hair can come in thicker the next time they are shed and regrown. often with propecia, these hairs are synchronized and do this in cycles, thus shedding. I am hoping this is what happens with me, as it is more "thinnning" than lack of density that is making my hair appear thinner. As for the stem cell theory, i think that's probably going deeper into the science than you need to, doctors are still trying to figure a lot of that stuff out.

the proof that the follicle has recovered is you will see a thicker healthier head of hair in about a year or so.
hope that helps, i'm sure some veteran posters could give you some more info if you feel you need it.

Trent, that is pretty much about as good a job of describing it as I could come up with myself. People, be PATIENT and consistent with your regimen. In a year, you will be very happy men, unless you are completely non-responsive to your treatment.