the magic number of baldness


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On average, how much does a guy who goes bald downgrade on the attractiveness scale?

I wish I could average together how much every bald guys rating goes down so I could get that "magic number" or the global average of how much baldness will lower you.

My shot in the dark is 2 points.


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1 to 3 points, depending on their overall features IMO. 2 is probably a good median. In my case I feel like it would be closing in on the 3-point mark because I have a baby face and not super masculine features, effectively making me look like a chemo-patient or some weirdo where youhtfulness clashes with sort of a creepy and old look. I was mostly invisible to women when my balding was at its worst, unless I dressed very sharp etc. Now that I have hair I get a lot of attention again and people tell me I'm good-looking. It's what it is.


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1 to 3 points, depending on their overall features IMO. 2 is probably a good median. In my case I feel like it would be closing in on the 3-point mark because I have a baby face and not super masculine features, effectively making me look like a chemo-patient or some weirdo where youhtfulness clashes with sort of a creepy and old look. I was mostly invisible to women when my balding was at its worst, unless I dressed very sharp etc. Now that I have hair I get a lot of attention again and people tell me I'm good-looking. It's what it is.
yeap. same here. i have a young jewish rat face and being bald just sucks so ****in bad for guys like us. the old and young clashing thing is just weird. i feel i was a 6 or 7 before and am prolly a 4 or 5 now.

also it clashes heavily with my true self, i always felt like a child at heart but this baldness **** looks like a goddamn old man. so ****ing soul crushing


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I think this all depends on the competition in the room. 1 through 10 is always subjective to others present. If you are in a room full of ugly guys you might score an 8, but with great to average+ NW0's youd be a 3. If no one is available then GOD HELP YOU cause they will compare you to whoever their dream guy is, so you better hope its Ron Howard!


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I think this all depends on the competition in the room. 1 through 10 is always subjective to others present. If you are in a room full of ugly guys you might score an 8, but with great to average+ NW0's youd be a 3. If no one is available then GOD HELP YOU cause they will compare you to whoever their dream guy is, so you better hope its Ron Howard!
lol yea but theres always the objective rating or the honest rating that all of your peers wud give you. i wish i had an omniscient god i could ask so i cud find this out lol


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lol yea but theres always the objective rating or the honest rating that all of your peers wud give you. i wish i had an omniscient god i could ask so i cud find this out lol

Well, the only thing which is relevant here is what is your rating NOW.
You have hot or not type sites for that.

Are you brave enough to face the truth?

Agustin Araujo

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i always felt like a child at heart but this baldness **** looks like a goddamn old man. so ****ing soul crushing

One thing with baldness that is so crushing is that it truly changes the way we percieve and think about ourselves. Another thing that's so bothersome about baldness which all of us are able to relate to in one way or the other is how we're practically forced in the real world to pretend that we have to be OK with hair loss, and behave as if it doesn't bother us one bit. Hair loss really limits us from being young at heart, which in a way also forces us to act 'older' and restricts inner peace with one's self. I myself, and I'm sure all of us here on this forum, never imagined that being infilcted with hair loss would disrupt our lives so badly in certain areas of just living a normal happy healthy life.


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It depends on the person but I'd say 2 points would be a fair average.

I think it some circumstances slight recession can actually improve a persons looks. Unfortunately many of us here deal with more than slight recession. I have a friend who started shaving his head and has a head shaped like a cashew. It completely emphasises his big nose and ears as well. He dropped a good 3/4 points.

For me? I went from a 8 to a 6 I guess.


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I was in the top 100 men there out of 5000 men. It basically saved my life, well my self-esteem. Never forget that you're your own worst critic.

But what if the ratings agree with your low low assessment of you? That is what happened with me. Then how do you go on?


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Swingline hit the nail on the head when he said depends who is in the room and who your competition is..I went on a cruise once for 10 day holiday with 4 mates of mine..before we booked you could ring the shipping company and find out the ratio of men/women in the 18-35 age group,so we booked on the cruise that had hardly any men and a heap of women..So when we got onto the ship there was literally only a our group and 1 other group of dudes on board and 100's of women..Needless to Say we where like rockstars had chicks throwing themselves at me,but on land I'm probably a seven but with no competition I became a 10..The other group of dudes were as rough as guts to look at say 3's and 5's..I was receeding slightly but I hid it quite well..1 chick said to me there is hardly any guys on this ship and I said I


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The scale is just very narrow and even "only" 2 points can be pretty vital. Most people aren't a 9 or 10. So you are either an 8 or below and that is where the troubles starts. An 8 falls to a 6 and a 7 falls to a 5. Easier said; for most people baldness makes them from good looking to average looking or from average looking to bad looking.

For humans it isn't like with animals that the strongest gets the female. Subconscious we kind of "scan" the opposite sex and see if they fulfill the genes checklist of what your subconscious mind thinks has the best survival rate. The more females with different tastes the more different beings with different genes come the more chance of survival. My guess is that that is why you will never be able to get every girl because you simply can't be every girls type. Still, it seems like some things are desired by almost all of them. Like hair on your head.


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I'd say 2 or 3 points for me, but it depends on the person. I'd give myself a 9 or 10 with NW1. Right now I feel 7 or 8. I'm somewhere between Norwood 1.5 and 2.


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Growing up, I never felt particularly confident about my looks. Looking back now, the bittersweet truth changes and I for once can see that I did hold my own well in most circles, physically speaking. I suppose luck was in my corner and I never even saw it. That's all history now, so whether I was even good looking for real or not seems a trite immaterial in lieu of my present/future powerlessness to restore that which is irrevocably lost. I can only say if my hair situation were suddenly reversed today, I know I would never again pass as an 8 or 9 in looks, but in spirit, just maybe, I would inwardly possess and imbue the stereotypical qualities of at least one dozen 10's.


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Around 3 points.

I see weak featured men with great hair lines and density go from a 5 to a 7 in a matter of seconds with the right hair cut, and style.

Having a great head of hair can easily hide a prominent nose, otherwise big weird ears and other defects. It only becomes evident when recession, and thinning takes place how important hair actually is.


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I think it depends on the hairline. If there is no hairline and you're young then it's really bad. Some recession can even look better on so some men (Arnold looked perfect with a NW2, a Justin Bieber juvenile hairline would look weird on him).

Black guys look good bald though, was looking at Shaq with hair and no hair and the difference is barely noticeable. White guys look much better with at least some hairline.


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I'd say a good 3 points. In summer time it might me less if you have a low bf, toned body. It doesn't mean you are blown into oblivion, but young chicks will be out of your league. The fact is women are not attracted to a NW7. They might stay with you for other reasons as money, security, companion, having a goat body, etc. but even then, deep inside they will always consider you as a compromise and will treat you as such and so will come resentment or even hatred for settling with you.


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On average, how much does a guy who goes bald downgrade on the attractiveness scale?

I wish I could average together how much every bald guys rating goes down so I could get that "magic number" or the global average of how much baldness will lower you.

My shot in the dark is 2 points.




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Youthfulness and being young is always attractive, most guys always want to bang girls who are in their early 20's because they see them as more attractive. It's not necessarily the same for girls though, usually they always look for the mature and older guys, I've seen data charts showing what girls and guys are more attracted to and its hysterical how many guys are attracted to younger girls in their 20's, where is women were totally different they liked guys in their late 30's. Though it seems girls of this generation, 18 to early 20's just have ridiculous standards nowadays and most girls won't even look at you if are bald/balding.

Of course I don't think baldness downgrades your appearance be a set number, it of course depends on who who it is and what you look like as a person. You could be 5 and turn in to a ****ing 0. Honestly. I saw this guy the other day, he had a sort of small alien shaped head and as pale as a ghost, and he was totally bald. It was quite sad really looking at him.


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Not true. There is no proof that being bald will repulse girls in the biological sense of the term.

No matter what the media try to shove down our throats about bald men, women will still be attracted to bald men.

You can't consciously act on attraction, it occurs in a part of the brain that can't be influenced by conscious thought. Phobias work the same way.

I don't know where you live, but here in Belgium, I see plenty of attractive women with NW5-NW7 men. And no, these men are not rich.

Again, if what you are implying was true, all average (not wealthy, famous etc.) bald men would be condemned to a life of celibacy. This is far from being the case.

You missed my point: "They might stay with you for other reasons as...but even then, deep inside they will always consider you as a compromise..."

Dating/marrying doesn't have to involve attraction. People are together for a lot of reasons and attraction might or might not be one of them. That's probably one of the least important things, if I might add. Why do you think there are so many miserable men that are not getting any be they in a relationship or a marriage? Have you never had a gf that you were not attracted to but nonetheless stayed with her for awhile?

Our whole life is full compromises, so like I said above, women will take a bald guy for his other qualities -be it money, toned body, etc. However, none will say that she's dating him because he has a beautiful NW7 horseshoe.